Silver and Gold (Part 1)

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“Paladins I have just received word that a comet nearby has a very old distress signal. We are all going to go and see who needs help. Go suit up!!” Allura finished as the others got ready.

__Time skip__

The paladins and Allura landed on the comet when Pidge asked “Aren’t comets supposed to be moving?” “initially, yes. Though this comet has been stationary since I was a child." Pidge nodded in understanding as the team split up to find any signs of life.
Just as they were going to give up Pidge found someone. Pidge found a young girl encased in ice, the only thing obvious about her was the white and gold bird on her shoulder. Pidge quickly called her team over, and slowly hacked away the ice so there was about an inch or so left till they reached her. Allura used a heater, to  fully free the girl.
She fell out of the ice and was caught by Shiro, he seemed unsure as she didn’t wake up. After a moment she gasped and woke up, the bird woke up aswell screeching. “Lotor!!” the girl shouted, “Where is he?” The group looked at Shiro confused “Um...who?” The black paladin said. The E/C eyed girl smirked “He'll be back”  the girl said before passing out.

__Time skip__

The girl woke up before they made it back to the castle still with Shiro, “W-who are you!?!? Leave me alone!?!?” the girl shouted kicking away from the man in black. “Ugh…you had no problem with me earlier” Shiro retorted. The bird that was perched on Shiro’s knee squawked, “Hmmm? Oh I see, I’m sorry Takashi.” She said with a humble bow. “So you do know me?” Shiro said annoyed “Only because she-“ motioned go the bird “-told me you were to be trusted aswell as your name” she huffed out. The bird flew over to her owners shoulder and nuzzled the girl's cheek,  the giggled “Thanks Nira, what would I do with out you?” the bird screeched “well yes I would have killed more than necessary” Shiro went uneasy at hearing her words and how calmly she said them. Then black landed at the castle.
__Time skip__
“Young one I suggest you run” the bird said to Y/N

“Why?” she asked

“I just have a bad feeling” Nira answered

“Will you help me?” Y/N asked.

“Yes I will be your wings until it’s safe”


"Your welcome” she finished

“Uhhh ma'am…who are you talking to?” The one in red asked

“No one” you replied hastily

“We will show you to the pods so we can check your health” A tall woman said, you recognized her as Allura.

“No” you shouted “I am fine, don’t force me” Y/N asked
“It is a must, I am sorry” Allura replied

“Allura please” Y/N pleaded. Allura's eyes widened, "Y/N?" She asked, obviously shocked, "Yeah?" Y/N responded before being pulled into a bone crushing hug. "I thought everyone I knew was dead" Allura muttered, "Nope" Y/N responded hugging back.

"Allura who is she?" Hunk asked. "This is Y/N, one of my best friends as a child" Allura answered with smile. "What's her story?" Shiro asked.

“I'm a Folyvian, I was born on a planet known as Quk, and I hate pink.” Y/N answered, "But I think you wanted a reason to trust me, not the basics."

Shiro nodded at her assumption, "How did you meet Allura, if you were born on different planets?" he asked her. "Um...pff that's hard to talk about, let's see. Um a rebel group of mixed species were infatuated with me at the time. They sort of saw me as a collector's edition toy, something that they had to have. So they stole me, and hid me from everyone.

Voltron saved me, and I met Alfor and Allura. He agreed to train me in self defense and my parents couldn't say no. While I was staying with him something awful happened between me and another paladin. I told Coran and Alfor about it, and they fixed the damage, but I was soon sent back home to lead a war. I lost the war, brutally. I mean that's you get for allowing a 16 year old to be a general. I lost friends, family, and part of myself. And I'm rambling, sorry. It's been a while since I had people to share this stuff with."

You were aware that your story was all over the place, but so was your mind. The castle occupants all had tears in there eyes , the red and black paladins were trying to hide their tears, the others cried freely. “Oh Silver I’m so sorry” Allura said giving you a bone crushing hug (Allura gave you the nickname as a child since you'd always have a silver accessory) “Its fine it was my job” you replied booping her nose. “Wait is her name silver? Cause I’d rather call her mine” the blue one said with a suave voice.

You looked at Allura asking a silent question she nodded and smirked. You stood and walked over to the blue paladin and sat down in his lap immediately wrapping you arms around his neck and running a hand through his hair. Your E/C eyes met his deep blue ones, he was already flustered by the time you spoke “I’m sorry Blue Paladin but you couldn’t handle the bad things I would do to you” you spoke seductively but loud enough for the every one to hear you.. “a-and what’s t-that?” he stuttered back. “First I’d bring you somewhere where no one could hear us. Then I’d ease up to you and…snap your neck, just to listen to your agonizing screams of pain.” He paled and froze up.

The red and green paladin cracked up, the black paladin looked surprised, the yellow paladin poked his friends shoulder slightly. “Sorry pretty boy but you are slightly to innocent for me. I think that every one on this ship is.” You stood up and glanced to Takashi “Maybe not” you said sending him a wink.

The red and green paladins and Allura doubled over laughing at their leader's scarlet face. You moved back to sit next to Allura who was still giggling “Everyone this is Y/N anyway the Black Paladin is Shiro…” she continued on until she heard a distant roar. “White!!” You shouted “Juni please, let me see her” you said giving puppy eye and pouting. “Sure” she replied.

__Time skip__

You ran into the hangars and went directly to a closed off portion of Green’s hangar, you imput the code as the doors opened.  She was the size of green but still beautiful. “Since when has there been a white lion??” Lance asked. “Since always, we just didn’t have a pilot for her, so we didn't say anything” Coran answered. “White!! Last time we talked you were only an AI system… yeah it was…can I come in?...oh, rude. Ally she said that I couldn’t fly her until you tell the others the traits of the white paladin.” You said crossing your arms.

Allura laughed slightly “Ok. The white lion's paladin must be brave, smart, and Loyal. She must trust her team as much as she trusts he self. That is why Y/N will fly White.” 

The white lion roared, “Silver, how about we show you to your room” you stared her in the eyes “Can I have my old room?" Y/N asked innocently, "Of course" Allura responded as they walked out if the room.

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