Sleepy Time for All

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Y/N  had been set up in a pod, as the others checked her for injuries.

She had a severe concussion, broken ribs, a cracked spine. Her arm was close to breaking into peices, and her wings...they were awful. There was ripped and missing pieces and her inner wings were still bent.

Kolivan and Lake arrived a few minutes before she was put into a pod, and neither looked to good. They were staring at their sister who had just been set  in her pod. The other paladins decided to ask questions later, it was probably hard on the two. So instead they focused on Keith, who had just suffered an awful heartbreak.

"You okay Keith?" Hunk asked as the group sat around him. "Just peachy" he responded. "We understand your upset, but Pidge has some good news" Allura told him. Keith looked up with some of the last bit of hope he had, "What's the news" he asked. "There is a 50 percent chance that Y/N will wake up with her memories. And a 50 percent chance we will have to remind her of them."  Pidge explained.

The hope in Keith's eyes grew, "So, her memories aren't gone, they're just repressed?" Keith asked her for clarification. "Yes...but there is some bad news aswell." Allura answered for Pidge. "What is it?" Lance asked, "Though I'd love to tell you that the Lotor we locked in a cell caused these injuries...he didn't. In a way, we did."

The entire team stared at the small girl, "What do you mean?" Keith asked in a deadly tone. "The only injuries sustained while she was in captivity, were her wings and concussion. All other injuries were from battles with us." Pidge squeaked out from behind the safety of Allura.

Keith nodded, not having the energy to be angry. He was staring at her pod from his place across the room, when he heard a small mumble. "She's just a girl" was all that Keith could make out before the rest became nonsense. "Speak up" Keith said out loud, "I said, She's just a girl. This is just a crush, get over it" Shiro said louder.

The entire team went cold, they all knew to never insult something Keith cares about. In situations like this, Keith's main reaction is to attack, which is exactly what he did. Keith launched himself at Shiro, using inhumane strength to hold him down.

Instinctively Shiro closed his eyes and waited for the pain, but instead he felt something wet fall onto his cheek. Shiro's eyes were met with a pair of deranged purple ones, tears seeping from them. Bangs blocked most of his face but still allowed him to give off a dangerous aura.

By now Kolivan and Lake had turned watch the sight them.

Keith reeled his arms his arm back and punched Shiro square in the mouth. Shiro now had a busted lip, as Keith moved back to pining Shiro down. "Something Y/N said was right," Keith spoke suddenly. "If you were the person I knew at the garrison, you would understand. If you were my brother that patched me up after I got in a fight, you would know. If you.were the kid who pointed me out to your parents when you saw me BRUISED BLOODIED AND SCARED AT THE ORPHANAGE!! Then you would know. But...I guess you're not" Keith said even quietly.

Keith sat up properly, still on top of Shiro, and sighed. With tears of frustration rolling down his face, he left the room.

Shiro was still on his back, propping himself up  with his elbows when he glared at his team who watched the whole exchange. "Why didn't you stop him!" Shiro practically shouted as blood ran down his chin.

Laughs and giggles were heard from Lake and Kolivan, "Sorry for being rude, but you deserved that" Kolivan told him. "How?" Shiro asked, "You were a jerk, your lucky I can't kick you" Lake threatened as her wings were held by Kolivan preventing her from hurting the paladin. "Yeah, yeah. I just spoke the truth" Shiro retorted.

The rest happened in a blur, Kolivan had let go of Lake's wings the second Shiro stopped talking. Lake bolted at Shiro and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. Shiro quickly fell to his knees where Lake made her final blow. She lifted her boot until it was perfectly lined with his face and kicked, a small crunch came from the movement. Shiro fell to the ground in a on unconscious heap.

Proud of her work Lake smiled and said "I win" before flipping her hair and confidently walking out the door.

(A/N: So, I want to have a sort of Q&A for this book. If you have any questions about it, just comment the questions and I'll answer a few at the end of the next chapter. Byeeeee)

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