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Y/N was thrown into the same cell Keith was already in. She was silently crying as she pulled her knees to her chest.

Keith didn't know what to do, he knew he shouldn't touch her, and she wasn't in the right state to talk, so he did nothing. He sat in the cell with her, listening to her quiet sobs.


Lotor and Lake sat hand and hand (despite her protest) on the floor, both thier eyes closed and legs crossed.

They were trying to find Y/N's energy out of every other source in the universe. They had been in that position for about 23 vargas when they finally opened their eyes. The two were mumbling something under their breath, "It sounds like they're saying, Polaxin system followed by a series of numbers" Pidge observed.

Allura typed these numbers into her computer, the castle immeadiatly wormholed there.

__Time Skip__

Y/N and Keith were still in their cell, neither making much noise. A clatter of metal caused both to look towards the door that lead to freedom. Lotor stood in the doorway, hair pulled back and a sentury arm in his hand. Pidge stood behind him looking at her wrist computer, and Lance was in the back, gun ready.

Lotor helped Y/N stand, while Pidge helped up Keith. Lotor noticed the outfit she was wearing and growled, "I am going to kill-" a whimper cut him off, "Not now Lotor, please." Her voice sounded strained and broken, so he dropped it.

__Time Skip__

The group of 5 had made it to the green lion to find an uncountable amount of senturies surrounding it.

"How are we gonna get through them?!" Lance shouted while shooting down senturies. Lotor, who had been hyper-aware of Y/N noticed her breathing change. Her breathing became ragged and sped up, Y/N then covered her mouth and coughed. Despite her subtleness, Lotor saw her flick her wrist towards the senturies. When she did this, a large blue fire erupted from the mass of bots causing them to fall in a heep on the floor.

Y/N ran ahead of the group, magically creating a path for her friends. The group followed her, a little scared, but still followed. They quickly got into green and flew back to the wormhole that was left open for them.

__Time Skip__

Three months after Y/N and Keith were captured everyone was doing great, except Y/N. Just waking up every morning, knowing that she has a disgusting hybrid inside of her, is awful.

She fills herself with empty promises,

"I'll smile more"

"I'll laugh a bit"

"I'll hang out with the others"

"I'll try to remember"

"I'll try one more day"


It was exactly midnight when everything went silent. The silence was so deafening that all of the castle occupants woke up. Everyone started to get up and look around the castle, only to find that this silent noise, was coming from the training room.

The training room was locked and secured, even Pidge couldn't open it. Just as they were going to try again a video transmission came in.


Once they were in the control room they realized they were missing one person. "Where is Y/N?" Hunk asked aloud, Allura shrugged "Hopefully sleeping, it's obvious that she hasn't been recently."

Keith on the other hand was scared, he had this weird feeling of anxiety tightening his chest. It was the same feeling he got when his dad disappeared, when Shiro disappeared. The universe is trying to tell him something, and Keith isn't sure he likes it. Allura managed to start the transmission, signaling everyone to be quiet.

"Hello team voltron...and company." Y/N appeared on the screen. "If you are watching this then I went through with it, if it's after the war then I didn't and you probably found this in the back of my closet. Any way, I killed myself. For all of you that didn't know, I am or was carrying a child of Zarkon. I know I probably could.habe told Coran or Pidge and they could have killed it, but...meh. I don't work that way a guess.

Don't worry about me or anything, I've made a deal with the gods of the underworld. As long as I no longer have a purpose in the mortal realm, I will become the next judge of the underworld.It's a strange job but I'm okay with it.

Why a deal with the gods of the underworld, you may ask? Well the direct translation of Folyvian is, demon. I guess I'm running out of time to say this, according to my own standards, at least.

Pidge, keep being the smartest girl in the room. Remember the 3 S's, smart, sassy, and small. Also remember sleep, food, and water. You're doing great sweetheart.

Lance, you always said you felt like a seventh wheel on a cart. Well don't be the 7th wheel on the cart, be the only wheel on a unicycle! They don't need another wheel for support, and neither should you.

Hunk, start voicing your opinions more. I know your worried that it won't be taken seriously but you will be.

Shiro, if you all find him that is. PTSD doesn't have to slow you down. Sure it sucks, waking up from nightmares constantly and feeling alone, but look outside of your door for once. You have the strongest people with you on this ship, go to them for once.

Allura, you probably going to blame yourself for not catching me...please dont. You didn't do anything to cause this, and you couldn't have stopped this either. I was already standing on the edge, this whole pregnant with the son of evil without consent, quiznacking threw me over the edge.

Coran, literally don't change, like at all. You are probably the only person on this ship that makes sure everyone is cared for. Just remember to take care of yourself too, and don't grieve by yourself.

Lotor, I'm just really proud of you. You were given an awful mold to fill, and you didn't. You defied you father and protected me despite the risks. I remember when one of Allura's suitors tried to flirt with me, you almost cut his hand off the second he tried to touch me. I was laughing for weeks! It was nice to see the overprotective brother mode for one last time, even if I was in a cell for it.

Keith...I love you. Some of my memories did return and I really do love you. You just are everything I need more, I love you so much that it hurts and scares me. I love it when you get mad and scrunch up your nose and cross your arms. You try to look menacing but you just look like an angry kitten. I'm sorry that I have caused you the pain of being forgotten, but there isn't much I can do about that now.

Why didn't I say this sooner...I don't know. I guess simplicity...isn't my thing.

I've sent my family their own video, they are aware of this mess. I have one request for you guys though.

Tell anyone in the Universe that hurts innocents...

I'll see 'em in Hell"

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