Silver and Gold (Part 7)

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Red was landed in a cave for cover and the girls picked up Keith and ran for about three minutes before jumping a fence and putting him down. "Ok let's move in, through the vents" Y/N ordered, the other two listened and they made their way to the vents. Using a device Pidge made they easily found the two human signatures and dropped down in front of the cell. Keith opened the cell and looked around to find one of the humans in a corner. "Matt?" Keith asked and the boy looked up showing tear streaked cheeks "Where is your dad?" Keith asked him. Matt motioned to the lifeless body that was Sam Holt, Keith covered his mouth shocked. "Y/N, Lake come in we need to get them out of here" Keith told the two girls who were keeping watch "Is one of them...?" Lake asked, Keith nodded and she sighed. "I'm breaking out the other prisoners" Y/N told them "We aren't going to have enough space in red " Keith told her obviously mad, "We won't need red" Y/N said as she ran to get the other prisoners.
__Time Skip__
By the time Lake and Keith got Matt and Sam out, Y/N had already freed the other prisoners and was running out of the base with them. Lake was carrying Sam and quickly made their way to the large group followed by Keith and Matt. The work camp was alerted that there was a prison break and had begun shooting at the group, lucky for them, Galrans had the aiming abilities of stormtroopers. (Keith's words not mine) Lake turned at the galrans shooting at them and drained all of the energy from their weapons, before creating a dome around all the prisoners, keeping them safe. Y/N contributed by, giving the dome a floor and lifting it off of the ground and to the castle.
Red seemed to get the idea, and went under the force field and helped them get to the castle quicker. Once at the castle Y/N set them all down and fell on her hands and knees, "Where is Sam?" She huffed out, "Over here" Lake told her just as pidge ran in. "Matt!!" The girl shouted and ran to her brother he didn’t say anything but hugged her all the same "Where is Dad?" She asked, Matt shook his head with tears in his eyes. Pidge looked over at the lifeless body she once called dad, and walked over to where Y/N sat next to the body. "Is he...?" She asked scared for the answer, "Not for long" Y/N replied and placed her hands on the older man's heart. Her hands began to give off a silver light as she worked, "Y/N, stop!! It's too much for you!!" Lake told her sister. Y/N ignored her and continued working, despite the obvious pain she was in. Her tears began to pool on the floor as she worked, her pain becoming almost unbearable.
After another five minutes of working Y/N leaned back and laughed, tears still rolling down her cheeks "He's alive" she said. Pidge now could see the steady rise and fall of her father's chest. Tears formed in her eyes as she hugged Y/N who weakly hugged back. Still in pain, a silver smoke surrounded Y/N and left Nira and her seperated. Y/N stood up to see that everyone, even the prisoners were watching her. She tried to walk but fell and blacked out, Keith was quick to catch her, "I'll Take her to her room" he said and picked up Nira on the way.
__Mini Time Skip__
Keith sat down Y/N on her bed and Nira in her nest, he was about to leave when he felt something pull on his sleeve. "Don’t go, I'll get nightmares" Y/N said to him, the fear in her eyes evident, "Okay, scoot over" Keith told her after taking off his shoes and jacket. Y/N moved as he got in the covers and she snuggled up to his side. "You're not usually this affectionate" Keith stated, "I know" she replied with her head now on his chest. Keith had an arm around Y/N's waist and an arm under his head, Y/N was sleeping peacefully on his chest. Keith kissed her on the forehead and whispered "Night Princess" just as he was going to fall asleep he heard Y/N mumble "Night princey"
__Time Skip__
"General?" A folyvian, that you recognized as violet "Yes? What is it Violet?"The general responded "Our soldiers have given up, they want to flee" she told the general. "I see, is there any planets in flying distance, since our airships were all destroyed" Violet shook her head "I'll try to contact Alfor" the general stated. No later than she uttered her words, a stray bullet hit her bestfriend, killing her instantly, " Violet!!"
Week Later
Alfor had made it to Quk, and was looking for survivors, when he stumbled across the general. She was sitting on a rock that overlooked a large graveyard, "General, how are you" The General looked up "Drop the formalities, I'm a failure. I callled for assistance as I fell, I could have prevented this all, but I got cocky. The massacre ended and I'm the only one left, I'm leaving with my father tomorrow, promise me one thing, Allura can't know" Alfor scoffed "I wouldn’t wan't my daughter to know about how much of a failure you are, look out at all those graves, you caused them. You, Y/N, you caused all these deaths. You. Failed" just as alfor stopped talking the general heard voices chanting “It’s your fault. It’s your fault…” over and over again. The source of the voices soon revealed themselves, they were all soldiers. Some had their heads bashed in, others had gun wounds, and some had weapons sticking out of their torsos. No matter what their condition was they all repeated the same thing “It’s your fault”
__Time Skip__
“No!!” Y/N shouted as she sat up, causing Keith to wake up. By the time Keith realized where the sudden burst of noise came from, Y/N had already curled in a small ball, towards the back of the bed. Keith immediately pulled the balled up girl into his lap and wrapped his arms around her in a protective manner. Y/N started to cry against his shoulder, he smoothed down her hair and let her. Once the crying stopped, Keith assumed she had calmed down, only to find her asleep. He soon fell asleep as well, still holding her.

(A/N: I decided that the next chapter is going to skip to after Shiro goes missing. As if the following day was the mission that rendered Zarkon unstable/on his death bed. I'm going to try to keep more of a personal plot, but still follow the basic story line of season 3. So, finding space dad will happen with a multitude of other things that I will personally add. Byeeeee)

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