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It was strange to see herself in a form she never uses, Y/N was in her room staring at her reflection. She was looking herself over, trying to remember the forgotten, it wasn't working. Y/N was just about to go check how Lotor was adjusting to his new room after being in a cell so long, when the alarms went off.

Y/N changed into her armor in lightning speed, she grabbed her bayard and ran out if her room. She caught up to Lotor, and they ran down the halls together.

Once the two made it to the control room they saw who was attacking. "Oh no, no, no ,no. That's my father's personal ship" Lotor said out loud, "We are aware" Allura said through clenched teeth. "That's not... I mean... Ugh!! My point is, I had to fly into a star, to escape him!!" Lotor shouted at her. "You don't use that tone with a princess" Allura threatened, "I'm a prince!" Lotor shouted at her.

Y/N sighed and pinched her the bridge of her nose, "Kolivan is a prince, Lake is a princess, I'M a princess! Our titles don't matter right now" she told them. Y/N noticed her siblings and paladins  run in,  "Lake I trust you to keep them civil" Y/N told her sister with a smirk. Lake nodded and gave a two fingered solute as she watched them make their way to the hangers.

__Time Skip__

The battle was going great, Voltron had been formed and the white lion faught beside them. They were easily taking down the fleet, until White got a little to close to Zarkon's personal ship.

White flew by and was immeadiatly caught in a tractor beam. Lotor, Lake, Kolivan, Allura, and everyone else were shouting Y/N's name and giving her orders. Y/N didn't listen to them, she looked at her dash and hit the single button she knew would eject her and send White back to the castle.

The second she was sent into the emptiness of space, still being pulled by the beam, the paladin bond cracked. She could feel herself mentally slipping from her team, and she allowed it. She knew that haggar could track her team through their bond, so she let it die.

What Y/N didn't know is by her doing this, she ruptured the entire paladin bond, causing Voltron to split up.

Keith, who was flying black, was sent flying toward the galra ship. Being the reckless pilot he is, Keith ejected himself and allowed black to fly back to the castle.

"Oh dear" Lotor muttered as he watched Zarkon's ship wormhole out, "What?" Allura asked over the coms. "I knew we shouldn't have let her in the fight" Lotor replied calmly, "Why didn't you say something then?" Allura asked with a snarky tone. "She would have killed me, I'm not stupid" Lotor said, "Why are you scared of a little butterfly?" Coran asked. "Even my father fears her, and that's what worries me" Lotor muttered, "Why?" Pidge asked regaining her senses. Lotor sighed "Zarkon wipes out whatever he fears"


The second Y/N could touch the floor of the ship she was shackled. Her arms, neck, feet, and torso, all had some kind of chain on it. Keith was only shackled at the hands and feet, making it a bit easier for him.

Y/N tried to fly out of the grasps of the many soldiers holding her down, but the chain around her neck tightened. She immeadiatly stopped and stood still, then the chains loosened. She noticed that a galran commander was controlling her neck chain, and decided not try anything.

The two were lead to Zarkon's throne room. The entire time Y/N and Keith were speaking with eachother, mentally.
(Keith will be italicized, and Y/N will be bolded)

"I thought you cut off our bond?"


"I know you're there"

"Why did you follow me!?"


"You shouldn't have followed me!  You and Black could have easily escaped the tractor beam."

"So could you amd White"

"No we couldn't, I lost my memories. Our bond is weak, my bond with everyone is weak. I'm surprised I can even do this"

"You being able to this, shows how strong you are"


"What's wrong?"

"I'm going to die"

"No you are not"

"Yes I am"

Before they could continue their conversation they made it to Zarkon.

__Time Skip__

Zarkon sat infront of them, he had already ordered both of their helmets to be discarded. Zarkon then ordered both of them to be stripped to their black body suits only. Neither of them liked this, but they had no say in what happened.

With Y/N down to only a skin tight suit Zarkon seemed very intrested in her. Keith hated the way he looked at her, Zarkon looked at Y/N as if he craved her, it was horrifying.

"You know where to take them" Zarkon said with a wave of the hand.

Y/N sighed with relief as they were lead from the room. It wasn't until a fork in the hall came up that she realized what was happening. "No!" She screamed and tried to reach out for Keith, as they were being split up. "Y/N!" Keith shouted as they were being dragged down separate halls. It was to late, each of them were out of eachothers reach.

__Time Skip__

(This is slightly dirty and wrong. If you don't like reading that then leave now. The rest is kind of like this and yeah.)

The galrans that were holding her down stripped her of all her clothing, leaving her nude. They redressed her in something small tight and skimpy, touching and groping her in the process, all she could do was cry.

They then led her to a different room that contained a bed. They removed all of her chains except the ones on her wrists and chained her to the bed. A blindfold was tied around her eyes and they left.

About 5 doboshes later Y/N heard the door open, and a hand snaked down her exposed torso and under her skirt. "Are you happy to be with me?" A voice Y/N recognized all to well asked. Tears managed to slip from her eyes and down her cheeks, "Yes...Master"

(A/N: Siqish, kaltak, qichqiriq, piching, bu yozganim uchun meni o'ldir. Bu kabi sahnalardan nafratlanaman va buni qilishdan nafratlanaman, shuning uchun meni o'ldiring...Sorry)

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