Silver and Gold (Part 4)

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Y/N could not move her arms or eyes, but her mind was working intensely. She had managed to create a link to every lion and their paladins including Allura, they were all sitting in black's astral plane. The lions looked like dyed house cats (Excluding White, Blue, and Black), and their paladins looked like ghosts of themselves but the colors of their respective lions. "Ok guys I created this meeting so we could talk, but we could wake up so, time is limited." Y/N spoke to them, the lions and humans alike nodded. "Red?' Y/N asked of the cat sitting next to Keith "Yes, White Paladin?" she replied, "You can't come for Keith, or at least not until I say so" Y/N told her. The red cat's ears pinned themselves back in anger "Why?!?!" all the lions shouted in unison. "It would only make it worse if you were to attack, and if Coran tries to come for us, stop him. The galra will only hurt us more if they see that it is affecting the lions. Understood?" Y/N asked with a stern expression. The cats all nodded, despite being reluctant, "Good, also none of you all are allowed to talk, Haggar is most likely going to focus on me since I'm newer to the team and she's never seen me up close. She is most likely going to attempt to talk me down, all of you will have the urge to defend me but don't, there is still much you don't know. So, promise me that you won't speak, even if something weird happens." Several promises were heard as Y/N nodded "Good, because were about to wake up"
__Mini Time Skip__
"They're waking up, Haggar" a deep voice was the first thing that the Paladins and Allura heard as their eyes fluttered open, "White paladin nice to meet you" a hoarse voice said. Y/N looked up, and was met with yellow glowing eyes, she then realized that all six of them were chained to the wall. "Look at how weak you are" the voice spoke again "I saw what you did to my soldier, very brutal. You have the mercy of galra soldier and the fighting style of one too. How does that make you feel? You are a monster, these Paladins don't even need you, you are a worthless monster." The voice cackled and Y/N laughed "Haggar, I thought you were evil, what's with all the compliments? Though I do prefer the term demon, monster will do, witch." Haggar looked in disbelief, no one has ever deflected her insults, "You stupid child!!" She spat and shot a beam of magic at Y/N. Several gasps and protests were heard as the magic hit her. "Good, I'm getting a reaction from your little friends" Haggar said in a pleased tone. "This isn't you Honerva, please stop. You aren't galran, you're not what you think you are" Y/N said through pain.

The yellow eyes faded slightly in shock, "W-what d-did you c-call me?" Haggar stuttered "Come on Honerva, i know your in there." Y/N said with a grunt. "Honerva is dead" Haggar replied coldly before leaving. "No she's not" Y/N sighed as her pain stopped.

"Time to go" Y/N said yanking her arms and breaking the cuffs, she then moved and broke everyone else's chains. She looked down and saw she was still in her dress, 'yes' she thought while lifting up the first layer. "Y/N what are you doing?" Lance asked blushing. She ignored him and pulled out two guns handing each to hunk and Lance; she then pulled out a grappling hook and handed it to pidge. She then lifted he entire dress to show she was wearing tights and tall boots, and pulled out a long blade from each boot then handed them to Allura and Keith. "Y/N why do you have these and where is your weapon?" Shiro asked, Y/N shrugged and pulled a pocket knife out of her bun, causing it to unravel. "You guys head to the escape pods, I have to pick up a... friend." Y/N spoke and kicked down the door. The others nodded and ran to the left as Y/N went right.
__Time Skip__
Y/N had reached the main control room, when she saw her friend. She quickly took down the security cam and all of the soldiers leaving only one. "Y/N why are you here?" The soldier asked deflated "Not even I hi? That's low, even for you Vade" Y/N said back sarcastically "If you must know I got captured, thanks for caring. Now, how many prisoners are on this ship?" Vade thought back a bit "None, they were taken to work camps yesterday. There were a few humans too, it was odd." Y/N nodded "Download all prisoner files then set the ship to self-destruct." Vade stared at her in disbelief "We won't get to the pods in time!!" he shouted. "If I fly us there than yes, we'll make it." Vade still looked unsure, but listened and set the self-destruct after downloading the prisoner files. Y/N moved and lifted him up from under his arms and started flying faster than a bullet and made it to the pods. There were two pods left, one containing the five other paladins, the other empty. Y/N decided to go to the empty pod with Vade, ejecting her friends pod in the process.
__Time Skip__
"Vade!!" Y/N said now that they had time "Wha-" he was cut off by a hug from the smaller girl, "I thought you were dead" he heard her mumble. Getting over the shock Vade hugged her back, "Well I'm not, neither are our families. Your dad is alive Y/N, so is your sister and brother" Y/N moved back, and covered her mouth with one hand and started to cry. Vade looked taken aback but quickly recovered and pulled the smaller girl back into a hug, "How did you know I was on the ship?" Vade asked. "This might sound odd-" Y/N chuckled through tears "-but I sensed your presence" Vade didn't seem to phased "They don't know, do they?" he asked her, she shook her head. "You have to promise you won't say anything to them, I'm not ready" Vade nodded just at the time something latched onto the pod. "White!!" Y/N shouted, White had latched onto the doors of the pod allowing the duo to jump into her cockpit.
"Since when are you a paladin?" Vade asked while looking around White, "Ever since I was freed from the ice that you insisted was, 'For my safety'. Also, Allura is still alive, so is the royal advisor Coran." Y/N told him, Vade nodded "Is that where we are going?" He asked. "Yep" was all he got in return.
__Time Skip__
White landed in her hangar and was met with several annoyed looks as Y/N stepped out of White. "Hi guys, sorry for taking so long." Keith seemed to be looking he over, making sure his friend was safe, that is until he saw her red puffy eyes "Woah Y/N, were you crying?" Keith asked full of concern. Y/N's hand moved to her eyes before speaking "No. Vade hurry up!!" She shouted the last bit at white. Vade stepped out of white now in his Blade outfit, he bowed to Allura before using Y/N as an armrest. "Y/N, why do you know this quiznacking galra?"Allura shouted, earning glares from Keith, Shiro, and Y/N. "Sorry" Allura mumbled, "Before my father disappeared, he was close friends with some of the original blade members. A matter of fact, Vade here, was the one who suggested I go on ice." Y/N said while elbowing Vade, who laughed at her antic. "How long will he be staying ?" Pidge asked with pure curiosity, "Till tomorrow, Keith and I will take him to Blade headquarters then. Also, before I forget, here's all of the prisoner files from the ship that we left on. Vase said that all of the prisoners were transferred the other day." Y/N said to Pidge, who jumped at her friend and hugged her. "Vade can share my quarters, I usually sleep fused with Nira, as a bird, so it won't effect anything." Y/N spoke up, "V, let's head to my room, I'm tired." Vade nodded and followed the girl to her quarters, leaving behind several confused looks.

(A/N: This is kinda short and very confusing but the next chapter is going to answer some of your questions. So, yeah *cough* byeee)

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