Secrets Revealed

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Lotor woke to the sound of a loud bang. He looked around and noticed he was in his personal ship, in handcuffs.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" He asked out loud, "I'm sorry sir nothing personal. Thus is our only way out." Zethrid told him. "You plan to give me up. I understand Zethrid" Lotor said while thinking back to a trick his guards taught him. "You do what you must, and I'll do what I must" Lotor stated as he dislocated his arms and pulled the handcuffs in his view before breaking them.

Lotor ejected Zethrid who was sat in the ship with him, and took off.

__Time Skip__

Lotor had to only have gone a few light years when he noticed something move behind him. "Ugh, what's happening?" The thing asked. Lotor turned to look at it, only to see that it was Y/N. "So they threw you with me, smart" he commented as Y/N looked confused, "Lotor, who is they? Where are we? Why aren't I on Altea? Where is Allura? Where is Alfor? ...and why does your hair look like a mop?"

All Lotor could do is stare, "You don't remember your capture?" he asked tentivly. "What capture?" she asked, Lotor continued to stare. "Ok, let's start from the top..."

__Time Skip__

After explaining the whole story to Y/N she seemed more aware. "So you admit to being the son to an evil tyrant, but your not that evil, right?" Y/N asked, "Unfortunately yes, I became what you never wanted me to be" Lotor said grimly looking at the floor. "Hey, you didn't do what I wanted for you, but you still are doing great. I also have told you never to conform, and you haven't. You defy you parents if you don't like what they say, you carve your own path. I respect you for that" Y/N told him brightening his mood.

Before they could continue talking, alarms went off. Lotor got up from his spot on the floor to check what was going on, "It's my father's personal ship, we need to go!" Lotor told her, "Then go!!" Y/N shouted at him.

__Time Skip__

Y/N had a hand on her forehead and one arm propped her up as she tried to stop her head from throbbing. "You flew into the quiznacking SUN!!" She shouted at Lotor, "What else was I supposed to do? They were going to catch up!" He defended himself. Y/N shook her head and stood from her place against the wall, "Where are we going?" she asked, "Somewhere where killing me is against their morals" Lotor responded vaguely.

Y/N shrugged about to say more, but ended up wincing at the new wave of pain that came from her back. "Hey, Princey? Can you help me fix my wings? They are painfully bent." Lotor nodded amlnd set the ship on auto pilot, before sitting down behind her and fixing her mangled wings.

__Time Skip__

Y/N awoke to a tapping on her shoulder, Lotor was trying to wake her up. "Get up, I tried to fix your wings as best as I could, but there was only so much I could do without proper materials" he told her as she stretched. Y/N nodded and stood, "We're here?" Lotor nodded his head at her question.

The two walked out of the ship onto a docking bay. The paladins of Voltron and 3 others were about 20 yards away barreling towards the duo. The sudden charge startled Y/N, causing her to jump back and trip on her wings. Lotor caught her and helped her back up in her feet. The group stopped a few feet away sensing something was wrong.

"Y/N? Has Lotor hurt you in anyway?" one of the others in a blade suit asked. "Who are you?" Y/N responded, confused by the stranger. The stranger's heartbreak was obvious and painful, causing Y/N to cringe out of guilt. "I'm sorry? I've lost a few 10,000 years of memories, even if I was apparently asleep for most of it" she tried to explain.

One of the two people Y/N recognized grabbed  Lotor by the collar, "What did you do to her!!" She shouted in his face. "Allura No! If anything I'm alive becuase of that idiot!" Y/N shouted pulling the two apart. Allura looked at Y/N as if waiting for an explanation, "Zarkon wants Lotor and anyone associated with him dead, which included his...generals? They gave is up, but he escaped them, saving me in the process?" Y/N explained unsurely.

"It's obvious he lied to you! Why would you even believe that mess" the black paladin shouted out. "I believe him becuase I know him!" Y/N shouted causing everyone to freeze, "What?" The blade members voice was cold and terrifying. "He was my friend ok? Leave me alone about it" Y/N responded defensively.

The silence that followed was deafening, Allura had let go of Lotor but was still glaring at him. A small gasp was heard from Y/N who's eyes were glowing white, "I've met all of you before. All of you have different amounts of my energy." she paused "Except you? While the blade member is drenched in my energy, you have absolutely none." Y/N said while pointing at the black paladin. "Why is that?" she asked again. The paladin hesitated, "Um.. I've been on this team as long as they have, mabye it just wore off?" he tried to suggest. Y/N shook her head, "It doesn't work like that. Lotor still has trace of my energy, even if it was from years ago" she explained.

The silence returned at an impossible speed, Y/N looked at the paladins and tried to remember anything, when she got an idea. "Blade, what's your name?" she asked the one in purple, "Keith" he responded annoyed. "So Keith. Judging by the levels of my energy you have, I'm assuming you know the issue with my family?" Y/N asked Keith, who nodded, "Good, how did they react to my disappearance?"

Keith thought for a minute, "Your brother frantically looked for you, your sister threw herself into her work, and your father made sure neither died while doing this." Satisfied with his answer, Y/N nodded and started to walk towards the exit, "I should contact them, if you don't mind Ally?" Y/N asked. Allura looked slightly unsure but nodded anyway.

__Time Skip__

The call was being set up when Allura noticed something, "Y/N you are calling The Blade of Marmora, if you didn't realize" Coran pointed out. "I'm aware Coran, but thank you." Y/N reassured him as the call was answered.

"Yes princess?" Kolivan asked calmly, but the second he caught sight of Y/N, he started to loose his facade. "Princess Y/N, nice to see you've returned" Kolivan said, trying to mask his emotions. "Kolivan, if I need to send these paladins out so you can act normal, I can" Y/N offered him. Kolivan sighed, "Honestly, I don't have the energy to care." Y/N nodded,  "Where is sister and father?" Y/N asked. "We finally got Lake to sleep after four days, and father is on a mission." He responded.

"Where were you" Kolivan asked. "Captured, Zarkon wanted something with me, and I'm terrified to know what." She told him, he nodded not wanting to think about his sister being at an arms reach of Zarkon. "I need to go" he stated suddenly. Y/N stared sadly "Ok, goodbye" she said bringing her hands to her chest and using pure energy, formed a heart. Kolivan twitched his ear to let her know he saw it, he was just about to end the call when he realized something, "Y/N You haven't done that since you were 16, you're 21 now. What happened?" Kolivan asked in a confused state. "I'm 21!" she shouted out in shock, "Uh, I mean...I've had a change of heart?" she tried to cover up but failed.

Kolivan glanced at Keith silently asking for a logical answer, "She's lost 10,000 years worth of memories" Keith explained. "I'm sorry what?" Kolivan asked clearly worried. He scanned the room to see if this was some kinda joke, only to lock eyes with Lotor. "Lake and I will be visiting our sibling very, very soon" Kolivan said through gritted teeth still glaring at Lotor. "Kolivan, please, I'm fine!" Y/N tried to plead. "Goodbye sister, we will we eachother soon" he ignored her and hung up.

Y/N turned around to see the annoyed faces almost the entire group wore. "Uh oh" she muttered under her breath, "Uh oh, is right!" Allura started yelling, but before she could finish Y/N collapsed.

(Hello! It's been a bit, I was procrastinating, sorry. I hope you enjoyed my chapter, with a real title and everything.

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