Silver and Gold (Part 2)

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It had been months since Y/N joined the crew, she had become the ultimate mother figure. Everyone trusted her. They all had little things that they would do with Y/N. Lance and Y/N would sing together, she would cook and bake with Hunk, would help Pidge tinker, Keith and
Y/N would train and talk. Though Y/N and Shiro would just be complete parents, encouraging their “kids”, stopping fights and just being supportive. She still had lots of secrets, there was one you for sure knew she weren't ready for, but with the current mission there wasn’t an option.
“Where is Pidge??” Lance said over the com during a battle. Everyone was in their lion except for her and
Y/N were worried. “He.. zzzt..lp” was heard through Pidge’s link. “She was taken!!” Hunk yelled. “Allura!! How long do I have till the ship breaks the atmosphere?!?!?” Y/N shouted over everyone. “About one dobosh, the lions are to big to get close enough in time though” she stated back to her, Only to receive static.

“Guys!?? Is that Y/N !?!? Lance shouted pointing to a white and gold blur that was heading towards the support ship.


Y/N made it into the ship, she had already switched off the coms so she were on her own. With her gold and white wings folded behind her, she began to track Pidge's armor. Y/N soon found that she was in the worst place a paladin could be, The Lab.


Moving quickly you made it to the room, not before Y/N heard a snap followed by screams. For the first time she activated her bayard, it extended into a scythe, slightly surprising her.

She entered the door and saw the horrific scene, Pidge was strapped to a table with a galra soldier infront of her, both arms pointed in inhumane positions. “Let her go” Y/N threatened.

Pidge looked over and gasped through her pain. Y/N knew she had never seen her wings before. Though, all the anger, the white of her wings turned black, Her E/C eyes glazed over a pale yellow.

The soldier laughed and reached for his weapon but before he could grab it he was slammed against a wall. “I would make this quick but that would be to…nice.” She said with a twisted smile on her face.

Y/N pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed him in the gut. She snapped all of his limbs and waited for him to clock out (permanently) before dismembering him, and wrote a simple message in blood. “You hurt my team…I kill you. – White paladin”

Pidge looked slightly scared, but was so happy that Y/N did that because someone hurt her. “Look Green and White are both at the castle so I’m going to fly you there” Y/N explained The black drained from her wings as her features went back to normal.

Pidge gave a small nod, still slightly dizzy. Y/N scooped her up, and flew towards the hole you made to get in. Which was surprisingly still open.

“We already broke the atmosphere so did the castle, so helmet on and closed” Y/N told her. She hit the button on the side of her helmet and shut it, Y/N did the same. “I’m going to go about 80 miles per hour so brace yourself” Y/N said, Pidge nodded.

Y/N moved towards the castle as fast as she could allow yourself, Pidge in her arms.

Red’s hanger was closest so she entered through there. The others were still in the hall waiting for Hunk to catch up as she sped by, causing them all to fall.

Once she got to the infirmary Y/N didn’t slow down. In less than thirty seconds Pidge was in a pod, dressed in the proper attire, and unconscious. She wrote down a note “In shower, don’t disturb -Y/N” and sped out.


After dressing you went, back to the common room where everyone  was at. The second you walked in eyes were on you, more or less. The white and gold wings were extended behind you , flapping occasionally. “We saw your…rescue mission Y/N” Shiro's angry voice broke through the silence. “And?” she asked not understanding the issue. “You murdered that soldier, in cold blood.” Shiro spike again voice filled with disgust. “Yeah, I did.” Y/N answered again. Shiro sighed “That’s not how a paladin should act” She laughed, it was maniacal “Look at you, glaring at me like I’m the only murderer on this ship. You, are a champion of the gladiator. You've slaughtered, beaten, and kicked your opponents to survive. I don't see problem with what I did. If anything I'm following in your footsteps. ” Y/N said with a smirk.

Shiro looked like he wanted to scream, when Keith spoke up. "Your heart beat is speeding up" he said, looking directly at Y/N, "You are now self couscous about your breathing, in order to slow down your heart" he said again. Y/N's eyes laced with fear as she watched him, "You're close to tears at the thought of everyone staring at you" Y/N stared at him, "You win Kogane" she said before turning to Shiro “I was out of place and shouldn't have said that, sorry” she laughed awkwardly before dashing out, on the way to the infirmary.

After a few days it was time for Pidge to come out. As Y/N stood at the pod  Pidge fell out, still a bit dazed.

“Are you an angel??” was the first thing she said. Y/N laughed “No, it’s me, Y/N.” She was still confused “Are we dead? Y/N laughed again “No we’re in the infirmary” “Oh.” Walking out you were met by a confused Coran, you waved him off and brought Pidge to the common room.

They were all excited and hugged her, “Why is she out so soon, wasn’t it supposed to be another day?” Hunk asked. “Yeah, but she had a healing agent in her blood. My guess is that the soldier put it there so he could keep hurting her, you can’t break something that’s shattered.” Nods were given in understanding.

“Princesses, guess what is coming up.” Coran said . Y/N squealed, “Ally our birthday is in 4 days!!” Lance looked confused, as did the others “Did you say princessES??” Lance asked. “Hmm? Oh yes, Y/N Is the princess of the fallen Folyvian tribe.” Coran answered. “On a side note, we have been invited to a gala!!” Allura shouted. “It’s on the planet of Quk” her emotions swarmed, they ranged from happy to grief, then right back to confusion.

Y/N was now sitting down with her wings folded behind her. Her body shook with silent sobs, as tears came in streams. “Thank you…” her broken voice echoed through the room. “The planet of Quk I... thought it was gone.” Y/N spoke again.

Keith was oddly the first to move, despite not being affectionate, he hated seeing her cry. Keith sat down on the floor and pulled Y/N into his lap, she latched onto the red cropped jacket and cried into his chest. He stroked her hair as the others watched, she stopped crying in a matter of minutes. “When is the gala?” Y/N asked “I am excited, I thought… I thought my planet was gone.” Allura nodded in understanding before answering “Our birthday, they also asked that that you sing two songs.” Y/N chuckled “Looks like word of my singing made it through history on my planet.” Allura smiled “You were always angelic when singing.”

(A/N: In the next chapter will only be the female outfits for the gala. Mainly because the males will all wear the same thing except a tie matching their lions. Coran will not be attending, too many things to get done. Byeeeeee)

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