While They Wage War (a doctor who fanfiction)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello Whovians! This is my second story. I had the idea while watching 'The Empty Child'. A few quick things; the chapter is short because I really just want to see what you think. (vote, comment, and share if you like it). Second thing; if you have read 'Sight of a Super-Nova', this story might make sence later on. The two stories will 'co-exist'. [SPOILERS] By that I mean that you might see Nova and all in this story. OKAY! Let's go! S.

I crept through the dark alley, keeping to the shadows. I hardly dared to breathe. In the middle of London, there was nothing to light the way. Not even the moon and stars were out. It was essential that nobody turn on a light because even just one little light could let the Germans know exactly where we were, and then we’d really be in trouble. The smell of dirt and gun powder carried on the wind vividly reminded me about what was and what had been happening to us for the last couple of years. Word had travelled of what Hitler was doing to those people and now we were waiting, like sitting ducks. Some were waiting for action, others waiting for death. Most of us were just waiting for this wretched war to end. I pushed myself up against the wall and a bright spotlight came hurtling down the alley. It made its way all the way down to the end of the alley, came back and then disappeared from sight. I waited a couple of seconds more and then slid along the wall. There was an abandoned mattress leaning against the wall a few metres in front of me. I shuffled along again and ducked between the mattress and the wall. My thin, worn out coat did little against the cold December air. I placed my hand into one of the pockets and pulled out a small brown mouse. He was the only thing I had to keep myself company while I was running. I held my breath as the spotlight flew down the alley again. The small mouse, whose name I had decided was Mo (short for Mortimer), shook in my hands and attempted to crawl up my sleeve. He had been following me for a few hours when I decided to take him with me. He snuggled into my palm and I placed him carefully back in my pocket. I breathed a sigh of relief as the light disappeared again. I was safe. Or so I thought, because as that ridiculous thought formed in my mind, the awful scream that stabbed fear right in our hearts sang out across London. How could I have been so stupid? As long as we were at war, no-one was safe. Now I had to run because the Germans were coming.

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