A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Please follow me!!
Jensen got our bags, handing me mine, and we got off of the plane. We headed into the building and immediately saw two things. One was Cliff, Jensen's bodyguard. Jensen had shown me a picture and told me a little bit about him so I would know what to expect. The second thing I saw was a horde of girls, all wearing Supernatural gear.
Jensen immediately waved Cliff over and we started to make our way out of the building. We had been noticed the second we had started moving towards the doors. Everyone started screaming and I swear I was deaf after hearing all of that noise.
Cliff pushed our way to the door. Jensen wanted to get started on showing me around and didn't have time to take pictures or do autographs.
As we walked people screamed at both Jensen and I.
Most of the comments were good, but every once in awhile I would hear something I didn't want to. People blaming me for taking Jansen away from them. People calling me ugly and fat and undeserving. Someone had even said that my family's death was probably my fault.
I tried not to let any of them bother me, but that last one hit hard. Tears immediately came to my eyes as that thought sunk deeper into my mind.
Cliff had to drag Jensen along so he wouldn't do something he would regret. He would never hit a fan, but he had some choice words that he wanted to say.
After he had been pulled a little away, he turned to me concerned. The tears were already leaving my eyes and he wrapped an arm around me.
"Sweetheart, I told you before, it was not your fault. There was nothing you could've done. I'm so grateful that you weren't there."
I nodded, using his words to block out all of the others. By the time we reached the car I only had a few tears left.
We hopped into the car, Cliff driving and Jensen hopped in the backseat with me.
I wiped away the remnants of my tears and looked out of the window. Some of the fans had followed us out of the airport and were trying to run after the car as it pulled away. I almost laughed at it.
I felt Jensen's arm wrap around my shoulders and I leaned into him.
"Why don't you take a nap? We're heading to my Vancouver apartment to drop our stuff off first. It'll take a little to get there."
I didn't say anything back, instead opting to just close my eyes and lean into him a little more. He would get the hint.
I drifted off quickly. All of the excitement from the plane had worn me out and it was worse because I hadn't slept on the plane at all. Plus the lack of sleep the night before.
I heard a door close in front of me and I jumped a little. I raised my head of off Jensen's shoulder slightly, just to get a sense of my surroundings.
The car had stopped and Cliff was the one who had just exited the car.
"Just go ahead and go back to sleep, Bella. Cliff is gonna take our bags and set them in the apartment and then we're heading to the first stop."
Since I was still tired and barely awake, I just nodded and put my head back where it was. I fell asleep once again.
Someone was shaking my shoulder.
"Five more minutes..."
"Bella, sweetheart, we're here."
In a flash, I sat up and tried to figure out where we were.
"Where are we?"
"That's a surprise."
He grinned mischievously and instead of making me weary it only made me more excited.
"Come oooooonnnnnnnnn!!!! Tell me!"
He laughed, he thought it was funny.
The day was filled with sightseeing and adventures.
(A/N- Sorry I'm skipping the day. I don't know of anything to do in Vancouver and I couldn't really find anything!)
Jensen had admitted that he never went sight-seeing here before. Not once in all of the years that he filmed here.
"Why?" I asked.
"Well, because most of the time I was filming. Filming includes early mornings and late nights. Whenever I was home, I was exhausted."
"What about the weekends, like we're doing now?"
"I was either visiting people or I just wanted to stay in. I never really thought about it."
I accepted his answer. With the amount of work that must be put into Supernatural, I'd want to stay home too.
We had gone to a very nice Italian restaurant for lunch. It was so delicious. To be honest, I had never been to an Italian restaurant before that. It was incredible.
We had continued to explore, loving all of the places Cliff took us. He knew exactly what we would like and I had the time of my life.
We had gone home for dinner. Jensen surprised me by cooking chicken and potatoes. The chicken was juicy and seasoned perfectly. The potatoes were like no other. They were covered in a breading that Jensen had made himself. A mixture of breadcrumbs, different seasonings, and parmesan cheese. It had my mouth watering just from the smell. It had tasted even better than it smelled, which I thought was impossible.
Up until then, I had no idea that he could cook. Danneel had made every meal since I had moved in, so I thought that he couldn't cook. However, he was amazing at it. As we were eating I had asked him about it.
"Hey, this is really amazing. Why don't you cook at home?"
He looked up at me, a little shocked at the question, almost like he had never even noticed.
"Huh, well, I don't know. I guess it's just an unspoken tradition. Of course, I do cook if she's busy or not feeling well, but that hasn't happened since before you came. It's just something that she does."
He shrugged before turning his attention back to the meal. We had traded conversation as we ate, but we were mostly focused on eating.
To Be Continued...
A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? (If you'd like to, please check out my original story Crush From Afar as well as my Harry Styles fanfics Meet and Greet and I Really Don't Care!) Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

A Reason to Live (Jensen Ackles)
FanfictionBella absolutely loves Supernatural as well as the actors. But, unfortunately, her family is pretty poor and can't afford to go to a convention. So, she's really shocked that for her 13th birthday her family combined their efforts and money to send...