Prologue ༄ Lost Hope

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"One more." Vukaa begged though a mouthful of grapes.

"I can't keep throwing grapes at your mouth." Kay complained, but threw him another grape anyway.

Vukaa caught it in his mouth and began to chew it. "Yum."

They were having diner together, like every other day at the academy when a noise no one had ever heard before filled the academy.

The emergency alarm.

Time stood still, everyone turned silent, many eyes locked with each other's around the room.

Then time speed up when someone screamed.

Kay feel as if she was watching the room in slow motion as people and humanoids both began to panic.

"Kay..." Vukaa squeaked and looked up at her, he looked more afraid than she had ever seen him.

Master Luke has installed the emergency alarm to warn them of any attacks on the academy.

Chaos began to happen all around the academy, everyone was scared for their lives, for the future and for the first time in a long time Kay felt completely helpless. She tried to yell over the screaming to get people to calm down, but she wasn't loud enough, she wasn't strong enough.

She felt horrible that she did nothing to help. She heard familiar voices yell directions, but chaos still ensued.

She grabbed the hilt of her lightsaber to join the older ones, but felt someone touch her hand.

"I'm coming with you." Vukaa said, looking determined.

"No you can't you have to get out of here. You aren't ready for this, I couldn't live with myself if you died."

"I can't live without you, Kay. Please don't die."

"Go." She yelled at him.

"Promise me you won't die." He gripped onto her hand.

"I promise." Kay looked into his eyes and said. "Now go."

Vukaa nodded and she watched him run out of the cafe where they had spent so many meals together, in the false hope that he could get to one of the few ships stationed on planet.

She ignited her blue lightsaber and ran towards the fighting.

"Ben Solo." She gasped as she saw who was the cause of all this fighting and panic, he was currently fighting two of the older padawans, Jann and Vora, a theelin and a Mirialan, but they were no match for this boy filled with hate and anger, and no longer controlling it.

She watched as he striked them down, two people she would consider her friends. Jann's head rolled right off his body and Vora soon got a quick jab of a lightsaber though her heart.

Kay let out a sob as they both fell, joining the pile of already growing bodies at his feet. The range of ages from 2-18 so far, the younger ones must of perished when there was no one to protect them.

Ben or whatever he was now looked her straight in her eyes as soon as he heard the sound.

I'm putting an end to this now. She thought and charged him.

Vukaa ran though the crowd, deciding since he can't fight, he might as well make himself useful and find Master Luke.

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