Chapter 11 ༄ Old Friends

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"Mouse, no! Get out!" Circuit yelled at his friend. "You can't live with me and Jessica anymore, we're married. We have grown up. It's time you grew up too. I'm sorry you lost your job, I'm sorry you can't pay rent, just please go." Circuits closed the door of his house in Mouse's face and sighed.

"You did what you had to do." Jessica rubbed his back and Circuits sighed.

"I love the guy to death, but..."

"I know." Jessica answered for him. "I know, we can't watch him anymore. He'll be fine, he is Mouse after all. Nothing gets to him."

Mouse felt like he should cry, it's what normal human would do in a situation like this. He's has been staying with Circuits for about a year now, but 'he was just too obnoxious, weird, immature, crazy' he had heard Circuits say those words and others time and time again, to stay any longer.

He stood fixed to the spot outside Circuits' door and let out a sigh, picking up his bag of his few possessions he has gathered throughout the years. He pulled cheese out of the bag and slung it on his shoulder.

"Time to find yet another new beginning." He started the walk to the nearest transmitter booth. It was about a mile though Lothal's plains, but he didn't mind, being outside and walking gave him time to eat his cheese.

He reached the booth after about a fifteen minute walk, and put in his credits and tried to call Eights. No answer. That was odd. Eights always answered. I'll try Vent then. No answer, but that was expected his old friend had enrolled in the New Republic army just as soon as the Empire was crushed, Vent wasn't Vent if he wasn't fighting for a cause. Ezra then. He hasn't holoed him in a long while, but he couldn't comm Roe, he just couldn't.

He called and got an answer.

"Who are you?" A small boy's voice said from the other end.

"I'm Amber." An even smaller voice said, from the other side, hoping for attention.

"I'm Mouse.... I think I have the wrong number. I'm looking for Ezra." He said, not wanting to waste these kids time.

"Oh Ezra's our dad, he's.... not here at the moment." The boy responded and Mouse heard the girl yell for her Mom in the background.

"Mouse!? Hey." Sabine picked up the line and answered, shooing her kids away. "I haven't heard from you in like forever, how have you been?"

"Pretty good, ate some cheese, met some ladies, got dumped by some ladies, tried to get a job, got fired." Mouse stated, like it was no big deal.

"Ok..." Sabine said, rerealizing how weird her old friend was.

"I was calling because Circuits just kicked me out. I was wondering if I could stay at your house, till I at least can get another job?" Mouse said. "I won't be annoying, I promise, and I'll keep my cheese away from the children."

"Yeah sure, Mouse." Sabine said, a little shocked, but life always isn't easy for everyone. She knew that from experience. "You can come right over."

"Thanks." He smiled, even though they were over the phone. "I'm on my way."

"You're on Lothal?" Sabine asked.

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