Chapter 9 ༄ A Lead

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"One last round." Eights said and he sighed.

"Ok then we're going back to the base." Tel put his hands on his hips and glared at his boyfriend.

"Yes then we are going back to the base." Eights laughed. "You're so cute when you're mad."

"I'm not cute when I'm mad." Tel growled and Eights laughed.

"Yeah you are." He insisted and Tel rolled his eyes in defeat.

"Come in." He grabbed his hand and dragged Tel into the most backwater of all the bars on Lothal, one last time to look for Ezra.

"Well I'm grabbing a shot." Tel sighed and went over to the bar to order, as soon as they stepped in.

Eights shook his head and began to scan the patrons, inconspicuously of course, he didn't want to start a fight. He couldn't help, but listen in to one of the conversations near the back.

"A changeling? You don't see those anymore." One of them said to their friends, taking another shot from his glass.

"I know right, but I heard from my brother's friend's cousin, that there was a changeling on Lothal." Another one answered.

"That's not much to go on." A girl that had her head down for the conversation looked up and put her hands on her hips.

"It's something." He protested. "Black sun will pay big bucks if anyone can successfully catch a changeling and bring it in."

"I know that, but I'm not going on another wild bantha chase." She sassed and rolled her eyes.

Eights put his hand on his gun, and went and joined the conversation. Looking at Tel, who was still at the bar, apparently making small talk with the bar tender.

"I couldn't help, but overhear." Eights said, trying to play it cool, but failing.

"I can kill you fifty different ways, right now." The girl said and poked Eights in the chest.

"I didn't mean to cause any harm." Eights took a few steps back. "But can you tell me anything else about this changeling."

The guy from earlier looked up, happy that someone cared about his information. "Yeah, yeah I do, but it's going to cost you." He smirked and shot a glare at the girl.

"You boys have fun, I'm getting a drink." She sighed and walked over to the bar. The other two guys sighed as they watched her walk away.

"I assume love triangle." Eights spit out. They both nodded and Eights laughed. "So how much will it cost."

"What do you have?" The guy asked.

"I can give you 100 credits, right now for what you have." Eights suggested and pulled out the credits.

"Deal." The guy answered, shaking Eight's hand and snatching the credits. "Well the changeling..." He looked around as if to see that anyone else was overhearing and continued when he was satisfied. "It's a girl, and you can normally find her as some man with a pony tail, my brother's friend's cousin had seen her transform when he was checking out this old abandoned farm, for like property development, I think and she was with two other cloaked figures. Pretty trippy if you ask me." Eights's heart rose and sank as the guy talked.

"Thanks." Eights started to leave, trying not to show too much thanks, when the other guy grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't go after them, if you don't want trouble." He warned Eights.

"Then why were you guys planning to go after them."

"We like trouble." The both smirked and Eights sighed.

"I think I am handle myself." Eights said to them and went to pick up Tel from the bar.

"Still gay." Tel laughed, pulling away from a kiss with the same girl Eights talked to earlier, she was clearly not sober. Grabbing Tel by the ear, Eights dragged him out of the bar.

"Hey!" Tel protested.

"I should break up with you." Eights thought outloud.

"Never." Tel side tackled Eights outside the bar, and the patrons inside saw and started a bar fight as well. "Look what you made me do." Tel smiled innocently as bodies flew around inside.

Eights sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Find anything?" Tel asked once they both got off the ground and began to walk away.

Eights nodded and Tel was shocked. "Finally!" He let out a celebratory fist pump.

"Yeah, there's this old farm we need to check out." Eights grinned and the two began to make their way there.

Kay was settling in nicely to her new routine as a Jedi padawan. She made a couple of new friends and had her schedule down, it wasn't much of a stretch to say she was really happy there.

"Meditation is so boring." Vora complained and sighed.

"It's not that bad." Jann, the Mirialan, replied.

"Yes it is." Vora was more than determined to win this argument against her new friend.
Jann had showed up about a day after Kay did, he acted odd at first, scared of everything that moved, but as soon as she saw him again and got a chance to talk to him, he was more happy and relaxed.

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"No-" Vora was interrupted by a loud clap of thunder from outside the hallways where they were all walking to their next class.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Jann screamed, and began to run down the hall. "We are under attack."

"Whoa calm down, it's just thunder." Vora ran after him, and Kay followed suit.

"And thunder means rain." Kay smiled and looked out the window, happily. She didn't remember much about her past, but she remembered she had lived on Lothal before coming to the Jedi temple. One of the few memories she had was on a rainy day, she was just standing outside getting soaked and a voice called her back in. She has always loved rain.

"What's rain?" Jann asked, and they both gasped.

"You don't know what rain is." Vora put her hand on her hips and laughed.

"No not really." Jann answered and Vora smirked.

"Then we have to go outside." Vora smirked and started to drag them outside.

"We are going to miss class." Kay protested, but followed Vora out anyway.

"I'll be fine." She waved the worry away and dragged Jann outside into the rain.

"Ahhhh! The sky is peeing on me." He yelped as soon as the water touched his skin, he tried to run, but ended up tripping on a puddle.

Kay and Vora both laughed as Kay helped him up.

"It's great isn't it?" Kay marveled, as she felt the hard rain drops hit you skin.

"You're weird." Vora rolled her eyes.

"No it's not, it's freaky." Jann was already back inside hiding under the safety of the roof.

"Fine, let's go to class." Kay smiled at both of them, just as she kicked up a puddle and got both of them wet.

"You kriff nugget." Vora cursed, and Jann just screamed again as he ran inside away from his crazy friends.

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