Chapter 18 ༄ Worrying

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"Mom, where's Freedom?" Amber asked as she walked into the kitchen with a yawn.

"I thought he was in bed?" She looked up from cooking breakfast, confused.

"I checked his room, he's not there." She grabbed a cup of apple juice and sat down, looking at the waffles on the oven eagerly.

"Hang on." Sabine said, rushing out of the kitchen. "Freedom?" She yelled as she ran through the house. "Freedom?"

"What's all the yelling about?" Tel yawned and peeked his head out of his bedroom, throwing on a robe and coming out to grab some blue milk.

"I can't find, Freedom." Sabine said, worry filling her eyes.

"Now that you mention it, where's Mouse?" Tel said, equally just as worried now.

"Even more importantly, where's the Phantom 2?" Amber asked, looking out of window to the blank space of land the Phantom 2 once took up.

"Sith." Sabine cursed. "I'm going to kill Mouse."

The silence in the speeder lasted all of two seconds as Mouse sky rocketed questions at the two others in the speeder.

"First off, what's going on and I mean the whole story, not the small chit chat you say to keep me in check? Second, why are you even here? Thirdly, do you have any cheese? And finally, how did I end up flying to this planet out of the thousands of star systems?" Mouse started to ask and was cut off by Eights.

"Shhhh!" Eights shushed him.



"Come on-"




"My friend-"


"I have cheese-"


"Loth cat-"



"What's that even supposed to mean?"

Freedom tuned their argument out and glanced at his Dad's hair that was being rustled by the wind of the speeder.

Freedom tried to figure out exactly what he was feeling at the moment, he felt empty, sad and more than all of those things he was scared, more than that he was terrified into what he had somehow got himself into. He pulled his knees closer to his chest and wrapped the blanket even tighter around his small body.

He felt cold.

Not just the physical type cold, he felt that too, but the type of cold that creeps deep into your soul and routs itself there. Refusing to go without one heck of a fight.

He tried to read his father's mind, but his powers never worked like that. He only ever seemed to pick up thoughts that were caused by extreme amounts of emotion.

He hadn't been able to pick up any thoughts from his dad so far so he came to the conclusion that Ezra- Tekara didn't care about seeing him again.

Freedom closed his eyes and imagined his body soaring over the speeder, seeing the cold landscape as something else, beautiful even. Something to get his mind off the cold, but he couldn't seem to see it as beautiful this time, all it was was cold, cold and white covering a hopeless landscape.

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