Chapter 22 ༄ Home?

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Freedom sat down in the cockpit of an imperial shuttle.

"We have to find the others." He told his father, looking behind at him.

"I'm going to do that, you stay here where it's safe." Ezra took off his cloak and set it down beside Freedom. "If anyone comes- just umm hide under that. Be safe, I love you." He told his son quickly and ran out into the base to find Roe, Eights, Mouse and whoever else wanted to join his little crusade.

Freedom grabbed the cloak and wrapped it around him, still pretty cold. How did this all happen? He mused in his mind. Maybe the more important question is why? He looked out the small window in the hanger bay, seeing a few straggling troops. Leaning back, he remembering something Hera told him from the handful of times he's met her. "We have hope things will get better and they will." So that's what Freedom did. He hoped.

Ezra ran to where they were keeping Mouse and unlocked the cell.

Mouse looked very drained. "Ugh, who is it?" He sat up from laying on the floor.

"Mouse, it's me." Ezra said, standing outside. "I'm getting us out of here."

"Do you have any cheese?" Mouse asked and flopped back down.

"Mouse!" He scolded, going into the cell and pulling him off the ground.

Mouse stood up, very reluctantly with Ezra's help.

"We need to get the others and get out of here. Do you know where anyone is?" Ezra asked.

"This is your base." Mouse walked out of the cell and down the hall with Ezra. "Shouldn't you know."

"I don't know everything all the time Mouse." He looked around the hallways.

"Maybe we should find that freaky Kanan." Mouse suggested as he ducked behind a corner to avoid some troops.

"Don't call Sebrin Kanan." Ezra gritted his teeth slightly. "She's not Kanan, she never will."

"Maybe we should just find Sebrin." Mouse corrected himself and continued to walk. "Just reach out with the force or something. That's how it works right?"

Ezra closed his eyes for a moment. "I can't get a good fix on her because she's moving." Then his comm buzzed.

"Tekara." Mona's voice broke through the comm. "Do you know where Sebrin is?" Worry showed in his voice, first time Ezra ever heard him worry about something.

"Actually I was just looking for her." He pulled out his comm and responded.

"Any luck then?" Mona asked, Ezra could make out the sound of him leaning against the wall. "She was torturing the prisoner, but I checked the room and she wasn't there."

"Not at all." Ezra answered. "Have you tried comming her? She tends to answer you more than me."

Mouse noticed Sebrin and Eights walk past them down the other hallway, he wanted to interject, but that might ruin the escape plan. Mouse decided on making squeaking noises and pointing would work better.

That just earned him a glare from Ezra.

"I'll try that then." Mona responded and cut the comm connection shortly after, obviously comming Sebrin next.

Ezra sighed and put his comm back.

Author's Note

This short chapter has been sitting in my drafts for three years and I thought might as well post it. Enjoy! I do apologize that there will be no proper ending to this book, but long story short it's a happy ending because they all deserve that much. Thanks so much for reading.

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