Chapter 6 ༄ Old Foes

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Ezra woke up in a dark room, with a jolt, breathing hard. He couldn't see anything, but he instantly felt that his feet were tied up and his hands were cuffed to a table. He didn't have long to wait until the door opened and in walked Sebrin, in her Kanan disguise and all.

"Hey Ezra, its good to see you again." Sebrin said, but it being in Kanan's voice it was way too disturbing.

"Sebrin..." He hissed and looked up at her. "Let me go."

"Why would I do that?" She hissed back. "I kidnapped you for a reason."

"Please at least don't be Kanan." He asked, losing the fight in his voice, he could feel the force inhibiters being injected into his body.

"I like to make you feel pain." She answered, and then at that moment Ezra realized this wasn't the Sebrin he remembered, the Sebrin he remembered was not necessarily kind, but she wasn't evil. She was just a confused girl trying to figure out her powers and find a place in the world.

"Sebrin... what happened?" He asked, too weak to even try to persuade him to let him go. There was a darkness in the air, a feeling of hopelessness Ezra was trying not to give into, but it had such a strong presence.

"I found my purpose." Was all she had the chance to say before another figure walked into the door.

"I would losen up on those Force inhibitors, Sebrin." The figure, dressed all in a black said. "I don't want him too hurt for this."

Something was eerily familiar about his voice, but his mind was too cloudy to make it out.

"Yes Master." Sebrin responded, and Ezra suddenly felt the world regain a lot of focus as she stopped the force inhibitors. Master? Was all he had the chance to think, before the figure began to speak again.

"Ezra Bridger, or should I say Tekara as I knew you best." He started with a hiss and walked closer to him. "Do you remember me?"

Now that he had most of his focus back, he recognized him. He was one of the few inquisitors in training he met when he was at the academy, top of his class if he remembered right. He shivered at the memory of him congratulating him for his work. "I do remember you."

"Name's Mona, if you don't remember my name, you were never good at names, but look at us now."

"Don't talk like you know me." Ezra hissed.

"You're pathetic. I would of expected better of you, so much power, so much darkness, so much hate. You just give it all up, for what a family." The young man said, and Ezra watched as he walked over to him. "But I have a way to fix all of that, a way to take away taht light. You see me and your old pal Sebrin here have been working on the dark side technique that deals with that."

Ezra's eyes widen and he struggled for a moment trying to get out. "I won't hurt my family. I can't hurt anyone again. I won't!"

"You will hurt your family, Ezra." He said, and Ezra was scared that it was happening all over again. "Be scared and use it."

Sebrin put both her hands on Ezra's head and everything went black after that.

Waking up, Ezra felt weird, he felt more powerful somehow, if that was even possible, he tried to ignore it and faced his captors.

"Did it work Sebrin?" He saw her Master ask, from across the room.

"Let me make sure." She walked over to Ezra and looked at him. "Who are you?"

"I'm Ezra Bridger." He responded, looking confused."Now let me go!"

Mona frowned and Sebrin pouted. "Just give it a second."

"We need to work on the timing." He commented.

"It always works like this and I did." She growled at him. "This should speed it up a bit." She walked over and unlatched his shackles.

"What you're letting me go?" Ezra asked, feeling suddenly cold.

"You can leave if you want." She simply stated and Ezra's eyes widened. He took a step towards the door, holding onto a last thread of hope that was his light, his family and friends, before instantly losing it and felt all the fight and desire to leave, fall out of him. He couldn't go back like this.

"Now why would I want to leave." He answered in a cold voice.

Mona smiled and Sebrin nodded. "I told you I have this down." She told him.

"Good work my apprentice, all our work is finally paying off." He said, glancing at Ezra with a smile. "Now let's get to work, we have some more training to get to."

"Yes sir." Ezra responded, and walked away from the door.

"The great Tekara is back." The man said, happily and smiled at Sebrin.

"He sure is." She responded. "It's time to get to work."

Kanan frowned and looked over at Obi Wan. "I sense it again."

"You're worried about your padawan again, I suppose." The old man answered and Kanan nodded. "The dark side is very strong in him, it never gives up, it never goes away."

"I just can't take it knowing he's going to do so many things he will regret and it's not even his fault." Kanan said.

"The boy is a tool, Kanan. You have to let him go." Obi Wan said, looking up finally from meditating.

"I can't." Kanan mumbled. "I can't go until I see this though to the end."

"I know." Obi Wan said, sadly. "Why don't you talk to my old padawan, he's here in the force somewhere."

"Anakin?" He asked and Obi Wan nodded. "I haven't seen him here recently."

"I believe he is talking with Ahsoka again." Obi Wan said with a frown. "He does have a lot to say to her."

Kanan nodded. "I wish Ahsoka, didn't run off after the Empire fell, Ezra and Kay would really need her."

"Such is the way of things."

"I wish I could just be there and comfort them, I'm so proud of Ezra and Sabine and the life they have grown together, I wish I could say that to them, hold Hera on my arms and tell her it's alright again, but my power fades with each passing day, and it's impossible to appear to the living. It's even hard to see them anymore."

Obi Wan sadly smiled. "This is just what happens when you die, come on stop worrying let's train some more. You just need to get stronger Kanan."

"Ok." Kanan said, and tore his eyes off of the real world, going back into the force to train.

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