Chapter 14 ༄ Just Like Lothal

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"We need a plan." Tel started and was cut off by Mouse.

"I have a plan." He said.

"Shoot." Tel said and Sabine face palmed.

"I'm going to need some cheese, a loth cat, a hyperdrive, and a lightsaber." Mouse said, but was cut off, luckily by an incoming transmission.

"Sabine! You there." They all heard Eights panicked voice come from the transmitter. "I hope I have the right number..." Sabine ran over and opened the transmission to their end.

"Eights, I'm so glad to here you voice." She started with a sigh, trying to keep it together.

"Is Tel there?" Eights said, worried about him.

"Yes I'm here." Tel said, walking over to the transmitter. "I'm ok."

"Thank force, you're ok." Eights said with a sigh of relief. Tel glanced at his banged up arm, feeling a bit guilty about not telling him. "I don't know how much time I have... before-before... That's not important, right now. What is important is that me and Roe are apparently on the First Order base."

"Roe!" Mouse said, surprised interjecting into the conversation. "Roe..." He trailed off.

"Mouse?!" Eights answered, equally confused.

"The one and only." He gave a weak smile and sat down by the transmitter with Sabine and Tel.

"Getting back to it, so I found Roe on the First Order base, long story short she's been here six years because they have someone she loves, deeply. I'm here because apparently Ezra or should I say Tekara mind controlled me into joining, but I think he's on our side... I don't know it's kind of hard to tell when he has those Sith robes on and that dark expression on his face... poor Ezra."

Sabine tried to keep a straight face thought his explanation, but she couldn't help let a few tears fall. Ezra was alive and a victim to the dark side once again. Will we ever escape this... She thought. At least he's alive. Trying to find the silver lining though all the storm clouds.

"I'm just telling you that we are all alive and ok for the moment. I don't know where we are or what's going to happen to any of us, but I hope it'll be ok. I'll try to contact you later when I learn more... Tel, I love you and thanks for everything."

"Eights, this isn't goodbye don't make it sound like it's a goodbye. We'll see each other again." Tel protested, keeping a straight face despite the sadness raging a war inside.

"It'll be ok... don't-" The transmission was cut off before he could finish.

"Eights!" Tel yelled and gripped the transmitter. "We're going to find them, right?"

"We will." Sabine tried to cheer herself and Tel up, with her words.

"I hope." Mouse muttered, he couldn't think of anything else other than the fact Roe was in trouble and needed their help.

She had needed help for a long time, apparently. I was so stupid to think she was ignoring because of our break up, because how things ended.... because of who I am. He looked down at his hands. I've always been a problem, maybe this is my chance to fix it.

Mouse hoped, for all their sakes they would be able to fix it.

"But how are we going to find the first Order base, and what even is the First Order?" Tel tried to plan.

"My best guess is the First Order is basically the Empire." Mouse spoke up and said. "And if that's true we are going to need a lot more help."

"Help? From who?" Sabine asked, glancing up the stairs, hoping her children were asleep.

"From the new republic. We just have to make some calls." Mouse answered Sabine's question.

"I don't like this." Thrawn said to Snoke.

"I don't like working with you either, but we both need each other if this is going to work." Snoke whispered back.

"I know." Thrawn answered and turned off the transmitter. "Snoke may be powerful, but he doesn't know the first thing about strategy." He slammed his hands on the desk. "We can never see eye to eye. I made a deal with the emperor not him. He doesn't have enough power yet to be a threat to my people."

Tekara rolled his eyes as they got off the ship and landed back on the base. "That was the definition of unpleasant."

"I agree." Sebrin agreed with an eye roll as well.

"How can you two just talk like that he could be listening." Mona conspired.

"He's not listening Mona." Tekara said. "Trust me. I have some things to deal with." He said and started to walk off.

"No you don't." Sebrin grabbed his arm, before he had a chance to get to far away. "I have to talk to you."

"This is very important things I have to deal with." Tekara protested.

"Your things can wait." She started to drag him off.

"I'll be in the training room I guess." Mona muttered as the two walked out of his eyesight. "I'm the one who trained you Sebrin, but suddenly I drag Tekara into our organization and she gets all star struck." He complained to himself and walked off as well.

"Well, what do you want to tell me?" Tekara rolled his eyes as he was dragged into a supply closet. "Are you trying to make a move on me?" Eights did this once. He thought.

Sebrin slapped him. "You still have an ego, don't you?"

Tekara held his face and shrugged it off.

"I just wanted to make it clear that Mona doesn't control my actions no one does, it's just like Lothal. I am the one making the decisions here. Tekara." She poked him as she said his name.

"Ok. Ok. Fine." He rolled his eyes. "I get it, calm down."

"I'm Sebrin, I don't do calm." With that statement, she walked out of the supply closet to go meet Mona for training.

"Hey Kay, got something on your mind?" Jann sat down next to her.

"No not really." She protested and continued to look out over the gardens.

"Ok then." Jann said, not convinced, but didn't badger her anymore.

Kay had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and she didn't know quite why.

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