Chapter 7 ༄ Decisions

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"Freedom..." She poked her head into her brother's room, he was the only one she went to anymore.

He didn't respond, but looked up from his painting of the night sky and nodded.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked, and he laughed.

"You just did." He looked up at his older sister and smiled. "Just wait one second, and close your eyes."

"Ok..." Kay said, nervous, hoping this wasn't a prank. She felt Freedom put something in her hands, it felt like a canvas.

"Happy Birthday, big sis." He told her and she opened her eyes, it wasn't what you would call a masterpiece, but she loved it to pieces in her hands she held a painting from her brother of her holding a lightsaber looking out over Lothal's plains.

"I love it." She answered and smiled at him. "In glad someone other than Luke remembered."

"Luke?" He asked, confused. "That Jedi, did he call?"

"Yeah he did and he offered me a spot at the Jedi academy." Kay said, quietly looking at the painting and frowning.

"Wow! Kay that's amazing." Freedom gawked. "You'll get to be a real Jedi just like you always dreamed."

She laughed nervously. "Yeah, I know, I know, but I'm having second thoughts, with dad missing, and I don't want to leave you two."

"Kay. Kay. Kay." He got up and puts his hands on her face, looking her in the eyes. "I have your face so I have your attention. You need to do it, for all of us."

"I guess I will then." She looked at him with more confidence, feeling good that someone felt the same way she did, even if she hadn't admitted it yet. "I will then." She repeated.

"Good." He smiled and let go of her face. "Go talk to Mom, and we'll get you ready to leave."

"Now?" Now she said, flabbergasted.

"Now." He nodded and got up, taking her hand. "When else?"

He makes a good point. Kay thought and took his hand and let him lead her to where their mother was currently looking over the map of Lothal.

"Mom, Kay has something to tell you." Freedom said and smiled, running out of the room as soon as he said it.

"Freedom!" She yelled after her brother, who had evidently ran out to finish his painting and to make Kay do all the talking.

Sabine looked up from the map and turned off the projector, looking at her daughter. "So what do you have to tell me?" She asked, unknowing of the blow that was about to fall.

"Well." Kay rubbed her neck. "Luke holoed and asked me if I wanted to join the Jedi academy." She said and Sabine didn't respond for a few moments, then gasped.

"Honey, I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday, I'm such a horrible parent." Sabine cursed herself and looked at her little girl with tear-ridden eyes. She was growing up so fast, Sabine felt as if she missed the whole thing.

"It's ok, Mom." She put on her best fake smile and her mother almost bought it.

"It isn't, Kay. It really isn't." She said, sadly.

"Ok back on topic." Kay said, trying to change the conversation. "The Jedi academy?"

"Kay that isn't my choice to help you make, I'll give you advice if you want it, but I you want to go I'm not stopping-" Sabine started to do a long motherly rant, when Kay stopped her short.

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