Chapter 2 ༄ Two

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Two years later.... (a/n: these follow the previous chapter)

"Chase me." Kay stuttered out, and began to run towards the door.

"Not now Kayz." Ezra said, slightly annoyed with her needing constant attention, but not annoyed enough to show it.

"Chase me. Chase me." She begged, jumping up and down, only to led to her falling down on her butt, giggling.

"I'll chase you honey, Daddy's busy." Sabine smiled and walked in.

"Buggy?" Kay asked confused, looking up at Ezra.

"Busy. It means he can't play right now." Sabine smiled, explaining. She picked her daughter up, a little bit of a problem with another growing bump on her stomach.

"Awww." Kay sighed and leaned into her mother. "Dadda busy."

"Yes Daddy's busy." She agreed and carried her out of Ezra's "office" room.

Ezra gave them a slight wave as he watched them go.

"Chase me, Momma?" Kay asked, looking up at her mother with wide eyes.

"I'll chase you, little warrior." Sabine nodded and set her back down in the hallway. "Do you want to go outside to play?"

"Uh huh." Kay said and insisted on Sabine taking her hand as she led her mother outside. As soon as they were outside Kay began to run, there was a little field near their house where she always went to play, the only con was that there tended to be loth cats in it as well. Sabine sighed and began to chase her around the field.

"I'm going to get you." Sabine teased, running after her daughter.

Kay laughed and ran faster, soon the two were in a tied heap, breathing heavily.

"Fun." Kay declared and dramatically flopped on her back.

"Yes it was fun, Kay." Sabine agreed and laid down as well, but she instead of just grass she was met with a white loth cat standing over her face, growling. "Ahhhhh." She yelped, startled. Hoping to force it didn't attack her face.

Kay didn't know why or how,  but she felt draw to this loth cat, she put out her hand and closed her eyes, sitting up.

"No need to be worried, Kay. It's just a loth cat." Sabine reassured her, and sat up as well, keeping an eye on the unmoving loth cat, that soon stopped growling and began to purr. "What the-" She cut herself off and looked at Kay.

"Mommy, I tame the kitty." Kay said, smiling. She was unsure of what she just did, but was happy she protected her mother from the ferocious lion.

"You did, Kay. You did." Sabine was unsure of what she felt, first she felt pride and happiness for her daughter, but thinking about it longer she realized that this is as much a blessing as it was a curse, portending what happened to Ezra. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, and decided now she was going to be happy. "You did." She smiled and lifted Kay up, the loth cat meowed happily.

Kay giggled and squirmed to get down. "Pet kitty." She protested, wanting to feel the loth cat fur.

"You can pet kitty later we got to tell daddy." Sabine told her, getting up and walking away from the field.

"Kitty." She whined, but was happy to see that the loth cat was happily following them behind. "Good kitty."

Sabine smiled and carried her child inside, followed by the loth cat. "Ezra!!" She yelled happily.

"What?" He answered, and noticed the loth cat. "And why is there a loth cat inside?"

"Kay used the force." Sabine said, excited.

"What?!" Ezra said and stopped what he was doing, looking over at Kay.

"Yes dadda." Kay squeaked and flailed, trying to get down. Sabine put her back on the ground and let her play with the loth cat.

"This is-" Ezra paused for a second, thinking about it all. "Amazing."

"I know." Sabine smiled. "She can use the force, so what's next?"

"Let's just be happy now." Ezra brought her into a side hug, and leaned his head on her shoulder. "Because right now is all we got."

They both smiled as Kay started to chase the cat around the room, the loth cat being happy to play with the young girl. The loth cat knew she didn't mean harm, didn't want to hurt it. Kay chased it under the table and around the table legs, the loth cat was always one paw ahead of her. After a few minutes they both were pooped, Kay was laying on the floor and the loth cat was sitting on her belly.

"Come on, Kay. It's bedtime." Ezra shooed the cat off her and picked her up.

"Kitty!" She whined.

"Kitty has to leave." Sabine hushed her.

"Kitty stay!" She semi-yelled and started to flail again.

"Kitty will be here in the morning." Ezra caved in and said.

"Yay." Kay stated and stopped. Sighing, Ezra carried her off to her room, while Sabine put the loth cat outside. She figured if Kay can make a connection she can call it back, they weren't going anywhere.

Ezra sat Kay on the floor, and changed her diaper with the force. He wasn't going to touch that. Kay giggled as the diaper floated off her and then he got her changed (with his hands) and helped her clean up.

"I want a bath." Kay demanded.

"Please?" Ezra asked, trying to teach her manners.

"Please." She repeated, and started to walk towards the bathroom. Ezra followed her and drew the bath. Kay played with the rubber mynock while she was waited.

"Off goes the clothes." Ezra said, as soon as the bath was ready.

Kay nodded and raised her hands up, Ezra promptly got her ready for the bath. Kay then crawled into the bath, and Ezra sat on the toilet to watch her. He let Kay play for a bit before he got up to shampoo and soap her. Soon Kay was bored with the bath and let Ezra shampoo and wash her hair. He grabbed the soap bar and then everything went to force.

"No soap!" Kay yelled at him. "No soap, no soap!"

"Kay, we have to soap you up." Ezra protested and sighed, Kay had a weird fear of soap for some reason, he hopes she grows out of it.

"No." She shook her head and hid in the corner of the bath.

"Come on." He reached for her, and started to soap her feet.

"Ahhhhh." Kay screamed. "No soap."

Sabine heard them from the kitchen and new exactly what was happening, and went back to her business. It wasn't her night to give Kay a bath.

"Kay I have to soap you up." Ezra reached for Kay, but ended up falling into the bath. "You need to be cleaned."

"No!" Kay still protested, but a bathroom mess later, Kay was all cleaned up and in her pjs. Ezra was soaked and tired.

"That was hard." He exclaimed, but it was always hard. Kay was lovable, but sometimes needy and odd.

"Mommy!" Kay said, running out of the bathroom. Ezra followed her out, and gave Sabine a tired and desperate look.

"I'll tuck her in." Sabine caved in and said, taking Kay to her room. "Even if it is your turn to put her to bed."

"Hey I did the bath." Ezra argued and Sabine just shook her head and smiled.

"Night." Kay waved at Dad and soon her bedroom door was shut and Ezra was alone to his thoughts.

The force. My child has the force. I guess it does run in the family. I just hope she doesn't follow my path. Ezra thought, and truly hoped she would be ok.

I'll do whatever it takes to protect her from my fate.

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