Part 1

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Present- 16 years old

   Neighbors. There are creepy ones, fun ones, annoying ones, and caring ones. But of course I got screwed with an awful one. His name is Shawn. He has a sister named Aaliyah, I haven't really talked to her, but I've talked to Shawn, that's for sure.

   I moved in six years ago, and ever since then, I've hated Shawn. He's really fucking stupid and rude and I wish I lived somewhere else. There aren't any other kids around me so that's just great. But I have my dog, Mavis. He's a golden Labrador and the sweetest thing alive.

   I love Mavis, but I love him even more because Shawn has never come into my house since he is allergic to dogs. Thank god.

   It's Saturday and I'm still in bed even though it's far past lunchtime. "Leah! Get up. We have to go somewhere," I hear my mom yell. Ugh. I roll out of bed, literally, and land on the floor with my blankets wrapped around me.

   I stand up and throw them back onto my bed. I put on jeans and a boring grey t-shirt. I put on flip flops even though it's the middle of October. I go to the bathroom and put in my contacts and brush my hair.

   I look at my brown and somewhat wavy hair in the mirror. I put it up in a ponytail. I look into my green eyes and realize one of my contacts somehow fell out of my eye. I put in a new one and go downstairs.

"We have to go grocery shopping," my mom says to me. "Ok," I respond. I grab an apple and start eating it. I sit at the counter. I watch her mark some stuff on the calendar and rush around the kitchen.

She's always tired. She works a lot. She has to work tonight, and it's freaking Saturday. No one should have to do that if they don't want to. But she has to. I mean, she's the only source of money for us. My dad lives in the United States. We barely talk, it's like he's not even apart of my life anymore.

He could of moved with us, but he didn't. He basically caused my parent's divorce. Whatever. I had a feeling they were going to divorce anyway back then.

"Leah?" I see her looking at me. I look at her messy bun and green eyes. We look a lot alike. She just looks really tired, and I'm taller than her. "What?" "Are you ready to go?" I nod, "Oh, yeah."

   We step onto the front porch and as she locks the door I head to the car in the driveway. I hear something to the right of me and see him on his skateboard. Ew, and I hate that skateboard. Shawn skates up his driveway and opens the garage.

   He walks in and walks back out without the skateboard. He closes the garage and starts to walk towards his front door. I can hear his footsteps because he's so fucking loud.

   I grab the car handle and swing the door open. I sit in the seat and when I start to close the door I see him looking at me. Our eyes meet and he sort of smiles and puts his hand up to wave. I shut the car door.


After an hour of putting stuff in the cart, we leave the store. We unload when we get to our house and she says to me, "I'm going to be out really late. There's a big job I have to work on. We're making parts for a new building and I have to take a night shift for some extra cash. Just don't go outside."

   Ha. I always go outside when she's gone. I climb onto the roof and look at the stars. I like being alone sometimes.

   I spent the rest of my day drawing a portrait of myself for art class. I have about fifty pictures hanging in my room or in piles. I do it for fun or when I have to turn something in.

   My mom comes up to my room at around six and tells me she is about to leave. She looks at my drawing. " I have to fix some stuff. I'm no where near being done." She replies, "You are so talented. That looks just like you." No it doesn't. I mumble, "Thanks."

   At around ten I get fed up with my dumb ass picture because I can't get the shape of my eyes right, and I still need to add color to it. I leave my room and go downstairs to eat some potato chips.

   I see it's pretty dark outside so I open the garage and drag the ladder to the side yard. Unfortunately, it's the side yard between Shawn's house and my house. I can't get on the roof from the other side because the houses are too close and the ladder won't fit.

   I lean it against the house and make sure it's stable. I climb up it and place my foot on the roof. I stand up and walk a little closer to the middle then sit down. The roof isn't that steep so I'm not worried about falling off.

   I've messed up some of the shingles by stepping on then but my mom hasn't noticed. She doesn't even know I go up on the roof.

   I lay down and look up at the stars. It's kind of cold but the wind still feels nice. I close my eyes and that's when I hear yelling from someone's house. I swear to god, Shawn.

   I sit up and look at his house. Most of the lights are on. I see movement behind one of the windows. I think it's the kitchen. I see about five girls run past. I roll my eyes.

I hear the group of girls yell, "Shots!" What dumbasses. Go ahead and tell the whole neighborhood you are drinking when you are sixteen, what a great idea. Eventually, they shut up so I lay back down and look at the stars.

I put on some music and let it play quietly. All of a sudden I hear yelling coming from Shawn's house. Again. Oh my fucking god. If they don't shut up, I will physically go over there and punch them in their faces.

This is my time to relax and enjoy the night sky. Of course, Shawn has to hangout with a bunch of girls and be loud as shit. They quiet down for a few minutes, then I hear them start laughing and running around the house. Oh my god. I am about to go off on him.

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