Part 24

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Shawn POV-

   We make our way into the planetarium and it is massive. I walk in front of Leah and find some open seats towards the middle row. I move out of the way and tell her, "Ladies first." She looks up at me and chuckles, "Such a gentleman."

I smile at the ground before filing in behind her and taking my seat. "This is so cool." She leans back in her chair and looks up at the screen that covers the whole ceiling. "There is nothing on the screen yet," I laugh. She turns her head to me and says, "I know, but still."

After a few minutes, someone comes out and starts the presentation. He talks into a microphone and starts teaching everyone about the solar system.

The lights go dark and the screen lights up, showing the solar system. "Woah," I hear Leah whisper. I turn my head towards her and watch as she looks at the screen. She's so beautiful. I'm going to miss her so much.

I look back up and watch as the screen starts at the sun and zooms past the other planets. This is really awesome. It feels like we are actually in space.

I don't think I've ever been that interested in space until I got to know Leah. I can see why she is amazed by it. It's so mysterious and there are so many things we don't know about it.

During the show, I can hardly focus on the actual screen, my eyes glued to Leah most of the time, watching her reactions. I'm glad I got the chance to take her here. I can tell how much she likes it and that makes me happy. I can't take the time I have with her for granted. I decide to stop looking at her like a creep, and turn my attention towards the screen.

   When the screen goes dark and the speaker announces that it is the end, Leah and I stand up to leave. We start making our way to the door, when all of a sudden, several loud booming sounds go off.

I grab Leah's hand and duck as everyone else does too. I can barely process what is happening and several screams fill the room and people are scurrying all around. The sound occurs a few more times and I realize what they are. Gun shots. They are fucking gun shots.

Panic fills my entire body and I turn to Leah and see the fear in her eyes. I feel frozen as I look at her and I am scared and I am not sure what to do. She squeezes my hand tightly and I realize we need to move.

I start pulling her towards the door, trying to get there as quickly as I can. More shots go off and we almost reach the door, when I feel Leah's grip on my hand loosen.

I turn my head to look at her and see her hand clutching her stomach. Her hand falls and I see her shirt is stained with blood. My eyes widen and my heart starts to beat even faster than before. "No, no, no," I spit out quickly. This can't be happening.

I grab her from under her arms and try to carry her. Adrenaline courses through my body. I have to get her out of here. I have to help her.

I pull her into the lobby, hoping it is safer. I go to a corner and set Leah down so her back is against the wall. I look at her bloody shirt, not knowing what to do.

I lift my hands up trying to figure out how to help her and I see that they are shaking crazily. My whole body is shaking. "Shawn," I hear Leah whisper painfully.

I bring my hands to her face and look into her eyes. They are full of fear and wet from tears. I cup her face with my hands and say, "I-It's going t-to b-be okay." "It's going to be okay," I repeat to her trying to sound more assuring.

"Shawn, it hurts, I-" she starts before scrunching her face in pain. She exhales and talks again, her voice quiet and strained, "I don't think I c-can do this." I remove one of my hands from her face and grab her hand.

I squeeze it tightly and she weakly squeezes my hand back. I look away and try to think of a way to stop the bleeding. "Help will be here soon, okay? You're going to be fine. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Um-"

"Tell my mom I love her, and Shawn, thank you for everything." My eyes meet hers again immediately and my chest starts to feel heavy and tears form in my eyes. "No, don't talk like that. You can make it. I- I know you can," I croak out, tears pouring down my face.

She looks into my eyes and a small smile is on her face. "I love you," she whispers. My breathing becomes uneasy and I move closer to her. I smash my lips onto hers and feel her kiss me back. I pull away and rest my forehead on hers, trying to memorize this feeling.

I rub her cheek with my thumb and whisper, "I love you too. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't leave me." I move my head back and my eyes travel to her stomach and it makes me feel even more uneasy.

I feel her cold hand touch my cheek. "Look at me." I look into her bright green eyes and try my best to smile for her. Her hand drops and words start spilling out of my mouth at the realization that this may be the last time I ever talk to her. "You make me so happy, Leah. I am grateful that we have gotten so close and that I've had the pleasure of getting to know you. You've changed me in so many ways and I am so thankful for you. I really do love you. I will always love you."

I search her face and see how pale she is. Her eyes start to close and she tries her best to keep them open. Stay with me. Please. I don't want to let her go yet. I can't.

"I love you, Shawn. I want you to live the best life possible," she mumbles, "I know you are going to change the world like you changed me. I know you are going to become huge. Make your dreams come true, because I know that you will be so successful."

"Goodbye, Shawn. I love you so much." I look into her eyes and watch as the light slowly leaves them. She shuts them and I scan her face that was so full of life only minutes ago.

I cup her cheeks and shake her head lightly. "No, no!" My breathing quickens and I become shaky once again. I run my hands along her face and more tears stream down my own. "No, no," I whimper.

I look at her up close one last time, before standing up. I stumble backwards and look at Leah, leaned up against the wall, looking lifeless. My vision starts to go black around the edges until all I can see is the darkness.


My eyes burst open and I clutch my chest, leaning forward, as I struggle to breathe. I close my eyes and try to calm down. I suddenly feel a hand rest on my back.

"Shawn? What's wrong?" I hear Leah's voice. I sit back and open my eyes to see that I am sitting in my seat in the planetarium. Oh my god. My breathing is uneasy and I am practically panting. I turn to her and cup Leah's face in my hands, making sure this is real.

I scan her face and a sigh of relief escapes me. I can see her expression is a mix of confusion and worry. She places one of her hands on top of one of mine.

I focus on calming down as she narrows her eyebrows at me. "Nothing bad happened?" I suddenly ask her, whispering. "Um, you fell asleep, then you woke up and were freaking out."

I remove my hands from her face and lay back in my chair and stare up at the screen that is still displaying images. It hasn't ended yet. That wasn't real. Leah didn't die. She's right here. She's okay. Thank god, she's okay.

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