Part 11

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Leah POV-

I'm walking in the hallway when I feel someone poke my shoulder. I turn to see Shawn. "Hi," he says. At first I think about seeing him at the restaurant yesterday, then I remember his song.

"Hi," I reply. I start talking loudly, "You sing 'Life of the Party'? It's such a good song and I was like oh my god, that's Shawns fucking song?" I'm practically screaming because I am still in shock.

He smiles and says, "Yeah." "Can I have your autograph?" I joke. He shakes his head and looks at the ground laughing. I watch his smile fade when he looks back up. I look in front of us and see Lauren talking with some other girls.

"I didn't know she went here," I say while watching her. "Yeah," is all he says. "Shawn! Hi!" She comes over to him and completely ignores me. He smiles a little and she hugs him. She starts talking to him while walking back to her friends, and he follows her.

I roll my eyes then start walking by myself to first period. I'm used to walking by myself. It kind of sucks. I'd actually rather walk with Shawn now that we're trying to be nice to each other.

   I get to first period and start reading my book like I usually do, so no one will talk to me. It's not like they do anyway. School sucks asshole.

   Shawn's in this class but I don't feel like looking for him because he abandoned me earlier. It's not that big of a deal I guess, but he could have said bye.

   I thought he had changed, but maybe he hasn't. Maybe he's still the Shawn that ignores me and treats me like-

   I feel a hand on my back. "Hi again." Fuck. It's Shawn. I smile a little without looking at him then go back to reading. "Can I sit by you?" He asks. "Yeah," I mumble.

   "So, what's up?" He asks me. I sigh and close my book. "Nothing much." I run my hand through my ponytail and sit back. I look him in the eyes, finally, and say, "You?"

   "Not much," he replies. "Cool." The teacher starts the lesson and we sit in silence for the rest of class.


When I'm at my locker at the end of the day, I hear someone say my name. I look behind me but can't figure out who said it. I see Lauren and raise my eyebrows. She walks closer to me so I know that it was her.

"Hi, Leah!" She says cheerfully. Damn, how can someone be so fucking happy all the time. "Hi," I reply. This is even more awkward because I'm bending down to get the stuff to put in my backpack.

I stand up and realize how much taller I am compared to her. "Do you need something?" I ask. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends tonight. I know your friends with Shawn now and I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with some friends who are girls, I guess. You don't have to, I'm just inviting you if you'd like to go."

I smile a little. I haven't had any friends to hang out with for a really long time. "Um, I don't think I know anyone," I reply. "Oh, that's okay. It's just me, Sierra, Taylor, Diane, and Abby."

That's more friends than I have ever had. That's like more people than I've talked to. "Ok, I'll hang. Thanks for inviting me by the way." She smiles. "No problem."

We exchange phone numbers and I'm supposed to go to her house at 7. I'm glad I'm going, but at the same time, what if this is just a disaster?

They're all super popular and I'm practically a nobody. I don't even know what popular people do. I guess they do the same stuff as normal people. Maybe.


I put on a nice shirt and jeans before I leave. They all wear makeup, but I'm too lazy and don't like it. I honestly don't care if I look bad compared to them.

I have my mom drop me off at Lauren's house and holy shit. My eyes look at her house from left to right and I have to turn my head just to see all of it. It's like a fucking mansion.

I ring the doorbell and wait for someone to answer. Lauren opens it and behind her stands four other girls. I forgot that I've never talked to them before. I haven't really talked to Lauren before either.

"Hi!" A few of them say. I smile, "Hi". "Come on in, I'll show you around." It takes everything in me to not faint from how much stuff she has and how large and nice her house is. I'm wowed by it but also sad that I don't live in a place like this.


   "Are your parents home?" She replies, "No, they're out of town for work." Of course they are. How would they afford this house without being gone all the time? I think about how hard my mom works just for our small house and sigh.

We go up to Lauren's room and I look around. It's pink and teal and super clean. My eyes scan the walls and one of them has pictures all over it.

I walk over to it and look at them. They're all pictures of Lauren's friends and family. I see a picture of Shawn and her in the car. "That's when we went out the first time." I look beside me and Lauren is looking at the same picture.

   "You guys are cute together," I respond. She smiles and says, "Thanks." The tall blonde girl, Abby, I think, asks, "What should we do?"

   The girl named Sierra responds, "I brought some makeup and we could practice on each other?" The other girl, Diane responds, "Sounds good to me."

   The short girl with freckles, Taylor, starts to talk now. Why are there so many of them? "Leah! We should give you a makeover!" "Hell nah." Shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

   "Yes!" Lauren replies, "but let's do it downstairs because my bathroom is too small." I doubt that.

   They all take down bags full of makeup and I just lead the way even though I'm not sure where to go.

   We reach the kitchen and they decide to just do it in there. I don't want makeup on my face. It's going to make my skin itchy or something. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

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