Part 5

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Leah POV-

   I hate school. Luckily, I go to a different school than Shawn. I don't really have any friends. I have one girl who talks to me if her friends aren't there. So, basically I never talk to anyone.

I really wish I would of made friends. In middle school, I never had any good ones. They would just hang out without me and it was awful.

During lunch I go to the library to help. I run things around the school for them. It's really great because once I got to eat food they had gotten from a restaurant.

I walk into the library and hear a familiar voice. I turn my head a little and see him. Fuck. Why is Shawn here?

He crinkles his eyebrows at me and says something to the teacher in front of him. The teacher turns around and looks at me. Ew. It's Mr. Harris.

"Hey, Leah. Do you know him?" I try not to talk in an annoyed tone, but if it was just Shawn here I would of. "Yeah. We're neighbors." "Great. He's transferring here to Pine Ridge." Fuck my life.

"You can show him around for the rest of lunch then take him to his class. We already told your teacher about it so they won't give you a tardy." Oh my god.

"Okay," I say. "Great. Thank you, Leah." I watch him walk away then turn back to Shawn. I sigh. I put my hand out. He realizes I want the schedule so he gives it to me.

"What? We have first, third, and sixth period together." Oh my god. "Fourth period is next, but I guess I have to walk you around the whole school now."

I push open the library doors and stop in the hallway. "Why are you transferring?" "Because I have to find time for some other stuff. I'm not going to be here a lot," he says. I have no idea what that means, but okay then.

We walk along the halls and he probably won't remember how to get anywhere else, so I just show him all of his classes. "This is the art room where I go next period, and you will go," I look at his schedule, "to the choir room."

We walk a little further and I point it out to him. He peeks his head into the room. As he does I look at the schedule. "Your last name is Mendes?" He rolls his eyes at me. "How the fuck did you not know that?" I shrug.

I show him the rest of his classes and the bell rings. I take him to the choir room and he waves. "Next period is science. I showed you where it was. See you." He nods. I head to the art room.


During science, of course Shawn has to sit next to me because I don't have a lab partner. I hate working with other people, especially if it's with him.

In the middle of the freaking lab, he asks, "Are you and Ian a thing?" I exhale deeply. Get your nosey ass out of my life. "Why?" I continue doing the lab while he just looks at me.

"Cause he told me you all like each other." I can't help but smile. I stop smiling and ask, "You think he lied?" "I don't know, I just don't see him with someone like you."

"Maybe you don't know what I'm like then." He looks away from me.

I don't like Shawn and he doesn't like me. I act different around him because of that. After a few minutes he finally manages to contribute into the class assignment.


My week consists of Shawn asking too many questions about people when we are in classes together. I mainly tell him to shut up or mumble the answer.

I stopped walking him to classes because I need a break from that kid. I would enjoy anyone else's company, but his. I'd rather be by myself than with an annoying ass.

Eventually, I realize he has made a few friends and he starts talking to them more. Whenever someone they sit by is absent, Shawn sneaks into their seat. At least I don't have to listen to his annoying mouth.


Ian doesn't come over during the weekend because he said he has to work at his part time job. We're only sixteen, I don't get why he has a job this year.

On Saturday, Shawn sees me outside as I'm about to climb onto the roof. "Leah?" I turn my head towards him, "Yeah?" "Thanks for helping me this week. I know you didn't want to." I nod then start climbing.

"What do you do up there?" "Uh, look at the stars." "Can I join you?" Just go up on your own roof. "I mean, if you-" he starts walking towards the ladder. Ugh.

I go onto the roof and he sits next to me. He keeps his distance so it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I watch him tilt his head back as he looks at the sky.

Ian was no where near as amazed as Shawn is. "The Big Dipper," I say while pointing. "And the Little Dipper," he points. We point out a few more constellations.

"This is nice. I wish I had thought of this like you," he says. I know he's looking at me but I keep my eyes on the stars.

A few seconds later he asks, "Why do you hate me so much?" I make a face and respond, "What?" "I know you do." Fuck. I can't just agree with him. "I don't know what you mean."

"I know you're not dumb. Just tell me. I don't hate you. I just don't like how you act with me." I look at him and blurt out, "What the fuck? The whole time I've lived here you've been a dick to me. You may not of known it, but you should've. And you still are. The only reason you could possibly act that way is if you hate me."

"Me? A dick? You seriously slammed your door when I waved at you that one day. I don't know what I did to you, but there's no reason for you to act like that." It surprises me that he remembers that, but I become angry again.

"The day I first moved here, you rolled over my foot with your skateboard. And you didn't even apologize." "I was like fucking ten!" I look away from him. "You were never nice to me after that day. Whenever I go outside, I pray I don't see you, because I know you'll somehow hurt my feelings. I hate to admit that, but I guess it's true."

"Whenever I go outside, I hope I do see you. To see if you have the heart to change things and say hi yourself." I don't respond. My eyes meet his. For a split second I feel sorry, but all of the memories run through my head. I shouldn't be sorry. He should be the one to try to change things. He's the one who didn't welcome me when I moved here.

"What type of things did you tell Ian about me?" He looks away this time. "How we don't get along. And that you try to ignore me or when you talk to me it's in that angry and annoyed tone. And you never smile around me."

"I don't smile around a lot of people." "Ian tells me you smile around him. And he says you have a pretty smile, but that's irrelevant." I smile in that moment. "See? You just smiled when I brought him up. And you do have a pretty smile."

I look at him. "What?" He glances at me then stands up. He heads to the ladder. "I didn't mean to to say that. And if only you smiled around me." His eyes meet mine one last time before he climbs down. What the fuck just happened?

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