Part 23

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Leah POV-

   After running into Ian and Sierra, Shawn and I started to go around all of the stores. It was really fun, and I enjoyed messing around with him.

We went to lunch at a buffet place that was really fucking good. I probably ate too much, but I didn't care.

Shawn told me that the place he is taking me tonight is pretty far away, so we got in the car about an hour ago and it's now about 5:00 p.m. I have no idea where he is taking me and he won't tell me either.

I start thinking if it will kind of be like a date. I'm not sure how he feels about us right now. And I know that it's not going to last, and it breaks my heart because I feel like we could have had something special. I just tell myself that we probably wouldn't have, to make myself feel better, but part of me knows that we may have worked.

I like Shawn a lot, but I still don't know if we're just friends right now, or if he's okay with us being more than that for the rest of the short time we have left. This fucking sucks.

During the car ride, we roll the windows down, causing my hair to fly into my face and get really tangled. I didn't care though because we had the radio on and were singing at the top of our lungs.

I would start off singing the songs with Shawn, then I would eventually stop to listen to him. He never seemed to notice that I wasn't singing anymore, like he was in his own little world, with only the sound of the music and his voice.

His voice amazes me. It makes my skin get goosebumps and my stomach turn. I don't understand how someone can have such good vocals. I could listen to him sing every day for the rest of my life, and not once would I get tired of it.


Shawn eventually turns the radio off and I look around me and see how empty it is. There are a few buildings, but nothing in comparison to where we live. Where the fuck is he taking me?

We travel a little longer until I spot a very large hill with short buildings scattered in many places. I spot a dome shaped building with an opened hatch and gasp.

"Shawn! What the fuck!" A smile spreads across my face. He pulls onto the side of the road before turning his head to look at me. "You're taking me to an observatory? Holy shit. Thank you so much." I'm practically squealing.

He smiles at me. "There's also a planetarium that we're going to go to first." I'm so happy right now I could fucking kiss him. I want to, but I don't.

"I know how much you like looking at the stars, so I thought you might, like to come here?" I laugh at his nervousness and respond, "Yes! Oh my god. I can't believe it."

"I'm such a dork getting this excited, but thank you." I reach over and give him a hug, pressing the side of my face into his chest. I squeeze him hard and can't stop smiling.

I can't believe it. All these nights I've spent outside staring at the stars, wondering about them. Now I'll get to learn so much more about them and use telescopes to view them. I can't wait.

"You deserve it." I pull away slightly to look at his face and see that he is smiling a little. I can see the care and compassion in his warm hazel eyes and I am so grateful for him. I can't believe he did this.

I scan every detail of his face quickly before a soft smile forms on my face. Shawn's smile slowly disappears and his lips slightly part as he looks at me. I move one of my hands so it's resting on his chest.

One of his hands is on my arm, as he pulls me closer to him with the other. Fuck. Please kiss me. Please kiss me. Please kiss me. I want to kiss him, but I don't know if he wants to kiss me.

He starts to lean in and my nerves begin to sky rocket. A tingly sensation is building up inside of me and my anticipation is growing.

He licks his lips quickly while looking at mine. He looks back into my eyes for a split second before closing his own. He starts to tilt his head so I do the same thing while closing my eyes.

When his lips touch mine slightly, I move my hand to his cheek and press my lips up against his a little too forcefully. I can tell it startled him, but seconds later he starts to deepen the kiss as our lips move in sync.

It hasn't even been that long since we first kissed, but it's felt like forever. It's all I could think about. I had wondered if he felt that way too.

We make out for a long time, catching our breaths multiple times, not looking each other in the eyes, only wanting to keep our lips together as much as possible.

Shawn is so hot. I can't believe this is even happening. He's so caring, sweet, and honest. His kisses are filled with passion and it makes me crave them even more. I hope he thinks the same thing about my own, because that's how I feel. Passionate.

He eventually pulls away and I watch him lean back into his seat. He tilts his head back as he tries to catch his breath. I look away because it's too sexy to watch, if I'm being honest.

I sit back in my own chair and stare at my lap, a small smirk resting on my face. "We're going to be late if we don't go now," he says. I look over to him and see him smiling while looking at the steering wheel.

He rests his hand on the gear shift, and I put my hand on top of his. He shifts his eyes to our hands then to my eyes. My face becomes hot all of a sudden under his stare.

I lean over quickly and press my lips against his. He pushes back slightly before I separate from him, the feeling of his lips lingering on mine.

I sit back in my seat. I feel a little shy to talk or look at him after what just happened. We stay quiet for the ride until he pulls into a parking spot at the planetarium. I look up at him and smile. "Um, ready?" He asks. "Ready. Thank you, Shawn. Now let's go have some fun!" He smirks a little while saying, "You mean, let's have some more fun." He winks at me before turning away and opening his car door. Damn.

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