Chapter 24: Into The Hills, We Go

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"Feeble humans. Let us give you our power." a Russian man spoke as someone in a black tunic walks forward with a syringe in his hand he stops next to Leon and injects the needle into his neck.

Leon put up no fight as he was still out, a man with a staff and a purple cloak on, just chuckles to himself. "Soon, we will become unable to resist this... intoxicating power." he exaggerates and the man in the black tunic injects him as a small egg enters his system.


Leon gasps awake, taking in his surroundings and saw that he was in an abandoned house, he then tries to move his arms but saw that they were tied behind his back and to the man that he had found in that closet. 

He looks over his shoulder and saw that he was still out. So he shoves him a little. "Hey. Hey, Hey. Wake up." Leon calls to him, the man groans as he lifts up his head.

He looks around at the room they were in, "Ai, yi yi. Crawl out of one hole, and into another." he moans. "You want to tell me what's going on here?" Leon asks him, the man looks over at him. Americano si? Now what brings a bloke to this part of the world?" the man asks him, then Leon reaches into his back pocket. "Oh! Hey. Easy, however, you are." the man states. "The name's Leon," Leon informs him and showed the picture to him. "I came here looking for this girl. Seen her?" he asks him and the man looks down at the picture. 

Then at him, "What, are you suppose to be a cop or something? Nah, you don't look the type." the man states. Leon just shrugs "Maybe." he answers and looks away. "Okay, let me guess. She's the President's daughter." he states and Leon looks back at him, "That's too good of a guess, want to start explaining." he asks him.

"Psychic power." he answers but chuckles to himself "Nah, just kidding with you amigo. I overheard the villagers talking about something about the President's daughter in the church," he answers him.

But unaware of a villager limping towards the house, dragging a larger ax behind him. 

The villager walks past the gate and to the front door. "And who might you be?" Leon asks him, "Me llamo Luis Sera. I used to be a cop in Madrid. But now, I'm just a good for nothing guy, who happens to be quite the ladies man." Luis answers him. 

Leon looks away "Why did you quit?" Leon asks him, Luis scoffs. "Polica, you put your life on the line, nobody really appreciates you enough for it. Being the hero isn't what it's cracked up to be anymore." Luis answers him.

Leon looks away. "Used to be a cop myself, only for a day though," he informs him. Luis looks at him in surprise. "I thought I was bad," he states and Leon looks up at the ceiling. "Somehow I managed to get myself involved with the incident in Raccoon City, on my first day in the force," Leon said to him. 

Luis looks back at him. "That is the incident with the viral outbreak, right?" he asks him, Leon nods at him. Luis looks away. "I think I seen a sample of the virus in the lab at the department," he states, but their conversation was over as they look over, hearing metal being dragged, it was the man from the house that Leon had shot. 

He muttered in Spanish, walking over to them as the two struggled in their restraints. "Do something cop!" Luis shouts at Leon. "After you!" Leon said back at him and the villager raises his axe. "Now!" Leon shouts and they pulled away, the axe was shot down and breaks their restraints. 

Leon rolls away and looks at the villager as he limps towards him with the axe raise, but Leon slams his foot into his chest, sent him flying right over him, and the villager smacks against the wall and then the ground, breaking his neck at impact.

Luis stood up and makes a break for the door. Leon stood up and looks down at the body. He pants and then contacts Hunnigan. She answers the call. "It's Leon. Sorry, I couldn't get in touch sooner but I was a bit tied up," he said. 

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