Chapter 30: Did You Miss Me

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Leon growls to himself and places his radio away, then he walks over to the side door and enters it. 

The woman jumps down and quietly followed after Leon through the door.


The agent walks down the hall and into the sewers and he pulls out his shotgun, makes a turn, and saw something running at him. He fired at it and it reveals itself as a big bug or Novistador. He fired at it a little more, killing it.

The woman walks down the hall in a quiet manner as he made sure that Leon did not hear her, then felt the presence of a Novistador behind her, she quickly pulls out her sword and sliced it's head right off. 

Then laid it on the ground as she heard Leon walks forward down the hall, she quickly and quickly followed after him.

He went further into the sewers, killing the Novistadors that came at him. Then he steps into the abandoned cells room, Annabelle slice at the ones that were trying to come up behind him. 

Then he kicks down the doors, finding a dead body that was still fresh and then he walks over to another cell and found Luis's notes. He picks them up and reads over his discoveries:

There are some parasites that have the ability to control their hosts. It's basic knowledge among biologists but not much is known as how does the parasite do it.

Studying this parasite specifically might reveal some clues to as to how the powers of Las Plagas works. And perhaps provide more insight on the victims of the Las Plagas, the Los Ganados.

Here is a list of some of the parasites that have the ability to manipulate the behavioral patterns of their host.


Once the larvae of the parasite migraines to the ant's esophagus, it alters the behavior. When the temperature drops in the evening, the infected ant climbs to the top of the plant and cramps into a left using its mandible.

It stays there immobile until the next morning, placing the ant where it's most vulnerable to be eaten by a browsing herbivore such as a sheep. Once it consoles that the parasite is manipulating the host's behavior to make its way into the body of its definitive host.


The larvae of this parasite make its home inside the brain of a fish such as yellowtail and a parrot bass. Once infected, the fish makes their way up to the water's surface where they'll swim until eaten by seabirds.

Once again, this peculiar behavior can only be explained by the parasite's desire to get into the bodies of the seabirds.


This parasite's sporocysts develop in the snail's tentacles. The sporocysts are vivid in the color and pulsate continually somewhat like a worm.

Surprisingly the infected snail makes its way to the top of a plant where it is more visible to the eyes of the birds, therefore more likely to be eaten. Once eaten by the bird, the parasite will complete its metamorphosis into an adult.

Leon places the notes away and he continued through the sewers. Killing off the Novistadors, then found a room, walking to the value and drains the water, then left the room, continuing down the halls of the sewers. 

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