Chapter 40: Refuse to bow before a False God

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They ran down the hall, going up the steps of the stairs, Annabelle felt uneasy as they weren't running into any more of the Ganados or the Rengenerados, but she kept her eyes open and they walk up the stairs and were at a metal red door. Annabelle saw out of the corner of her eye, the last memo.

She walks over to it, seeing that it was a mission that Saddler had in mind with a picture of Washington DC where Adam was making a speech:

The real power of the United States lies in three areas. The Justice Department, the Administrative bodies, and the military. In more to control these areas, we must influence the minds of the people who advise the President. After this is done, the rest of the department will quickly fall under our sway. If by chance the United States were to figure out our plan, the damage caused should be minimal.

We will still be able to conquer the country as planned using our backup plan. Once we control the country, we will use their international influence to our advantage. The rest of the world will fall swiftly.

As already stated, if our first plan doesn't go as smoothly as expected, we'll proceed with our secondary plan. But sending our "special" forces we will infiltrate the country from within. Fear and chaos will spread like a virus. It'll only be a matter of time before the country loses its stability. At that time, when they're most vulnerable, we will strike. Rejoice my brethren; the world will soon be cleansed.

Annabelle scoffs and places the note away, "Now I am definitely sure that he is crazy." she mutters and they walk through the door. The three walk to the steps and headed down them. 

But then stop at the elevator and looks up, a sudden and uneasy feeling ripples through her. "Something's not right," Leon states and turns to the blonde. "Ashley, you stay here." he orders her, she nods at him and Leon looks at the woman in red "Let's go Anne." he tells her, "Alright." she nods at him and they walk into the elevator. Ashley clutch her fist her her chest as she felt worried for the two.


The elevator took them to the top and they gasped seeing Ada was tied up and hanging from a crane, "Ada!" Annabelle calls out to her as she and Leon step out of the elevator, "An, wait!" Leon calls out, gripping her arm and pulled her back, he looks at him in shock but followed his gaze as he was looking at Saddler as his staff was pulsing. Annabelle glares at him as Saddler held his hand out to Leon.

But the agent lets go of Annabelle and smirks at him, she smirks too, pulling out her throwing knife and flips it a few times. Saddler growls as he no longer hands control over him, "You better try a new trick, cause that one is getting old." Leon informs him and Annabelle threw the throwing knife and cuts Ada free from the rope and she drops into the tarp below her. She gasps and slowly pulled herself back up. "You okay?" Annabelle asks her. 

Ada exhales and looks at her, "I've been better." she answers her, Annabelle nods and looks back at Saddler. "Your men are dead, your experiments are gone, the parasite is no more. You all alone Saddler and you will die," she tells him. He just looks at her and laughs. 

Leon then glares at him, "What's so funny?" he questions him. "Oh, I think you know. The American prevailing is a cliché that only happens in your Hollywood movies," he states walking closer to them. Annabelle and Leon took a step back. "Oh, Mr. Kennedy, you entertain me. To show you my appreciation, I will awaken you from your world of cliches." Saddler informs him and opens his mouth wide as there was a huge yellow eye leeching out of it.

It then glares right at the two, "Ada stand back." Leon orders, Ada stood up and moves away. They then watched as mutated legs rip out from his neck as his head stretches right off, his arm became a tentacle and on a few of the legs were more eyes. He roars at them. 

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