Chapter 2- Leo's P.O.V

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I'm a monster. Leo thought, locking himself in his cabin. All I do is hurt people. First my mom, now (y/n)...gods, burning a girl is not a good way to get her to like you! Leo sat down at his desk and put his head in his arms. What have I done?

"Leo?" Someone asked, knocking on his door. It was (y/n). Leo lit his hand on fire. Why don't you burn yourself, you idiot? But he knew it wouldn't work.

"Leo?" (Y/n) called again.

"Leave me alone!" Leo yelled, sniffling. He'd really done it. He'd ruined your friendship. Leo heard a gasp from the other side of the door, like she had been physically hurt by what he'd said. No. Leo corrected himself. What you did.

Leo began to cry.

He hurt everyone he loved. His mother. Calypso. Now (y/n). He was just a burden to the world. He opened the drawer of his desk and on top, he saw the plans he had drawn for the special adjustment he had made to (y/n)'s dagger that she had asked him to fix. Below that lay his pocket knife. He flicked out the blade and held it to his wrist. Just do it. His mind told him. You're a burden. Fix your own problem now... you're a mechanic, you know what to do.

Then his door opened. There stood (y/n) with a hairpin in her hand.

"Leo, no!" She gasped, running towards him, wrenching the knife out of his hands. "What were you thinking?" She snapped, holding her now bandaged arms.

"What was I thinking?" Leo spat. "I was thinking that I was fixing another problem for everyone! All I do is hurt people! You know that, I burned you!"

"No!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "It's not that bad, Leo, look..." She held out her arm, reaching towards you.

"Don't touch me!" Leo yelled, standing up out of his chair. "Get out!"


"I said get out!" (Y/n)'s eyes filled with tears.

"Don't hurt yourself, Leo. If you died, it'd be the only thing you did that hurt anyone else." Then she left the room.

Leo stood, motionless, for a minute. Then he moved again, getting to work.

She's just trying to protect you.  A small voice said in Leo's mind as he installed a deadbolt on his cabin door. No. Leo told it. I'm trying to protect her.

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