Chapter 15-Your P.O.V

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You blinked open your eyes and groaned. A noise like a chair skidding across the floor was heard and a familiar face came into your line of sight. You smiled.

"Good morning!" Leo grinned.

"How long have I been out?" You asked.

"Almost two days. Not bad for a concussion, a fractured leg, two broken ribs, a few contusions, a couple really nasty cuts, and a pulled muscle, along with your basic scrapes and bruises." Your eyes widened and you raised your eyebrows.


"Thank the gods for ambrosia. You're pretty much fixed up, but I would watch your ribs and your head."

"Thanks, Leo." You said. "What now?"

"We're sailing back to Camp Half-Blood. I think Percy wants to see you. I'll go get him." Leo told you, standing up and running out the door yelling "Seaweed Brain!"

Within twenty seconds, your half-brother was running through the door.

"Thank the gods, (y/n), you're awake!" He exclaimed. "Leo, Annabeth, Piper and I have been rotating watch on you for a while now."

"Thanks." You croaked.

"(Y/n)," Percy said, sitting down. "What happened down there?" He asked in a lower voice.

Everything you wish you could have forgotten came rushing back. You bit your lip and shook your head.

"I'm sorry, Percy, I can't talk about it right now. Give me some time." Percy stood up and kissed your forehead.

"Alright, (y/n)," He said. "I'll give you some time."

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