Chapter 17-Your P.O.V

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You and Leo went on deck, still in your pajamas. For Leo, that was an old pair of sports shorts and a red t-shirt. You were in sweatpants and a slightly too big shirt.

The Argo III sailed calmly through the ocean. The lights of a cruise ship shone in the distance. A cool breeze whipped through your hair and you shivered, looking at Leo's shorts.

"Aren't you cold?" You asked. Leo laughed.

"Cold? I make fire, Bubbles. I hardly ever get cold." You laughed a little, then the two of you were silent again. Leo edged closer to you.

"(Y/n), what happened while you were gone?" You sighed.

"Everyone keeps asking me that." You said.

"It's fine if you're not ready-"

"No," You said. "It's fine. Maybe telling someone will lessen my own burden."

You spilled out everything to him. The earth sucking you in. The cage. The four bowls of soup you had while you were there. The fights. The monsters. The stories behind your wounds, both mental and physical.

When you were finished, you could see your own pain etched all over Leo's face.

"Oh gods, (y/n)." He said, pulling you into a hug. "I'm so sorry that happened to you."

"It's not your fault," You whispered. "Watch the ribs."

"Sorry." Leo pulled back. "You are so brave." You tried not to blush.

"Thanks." You stammered. A song began playing from the distant cruise ship. Leo hummed along with it, then turned to you, held out his hand and bowed.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked. "Purely to take your mind off of everything, of course." You smiled and took his hand.

"Sure. Right here, on the deck, in our pajamas, to a song that we can hardly hear."

"Perfect." Leo grinned.

You walked to the center of the deck and put your hands on Leo's shoulders, and he put his own on your waist. The two of you began to dance to the faint music.

Right, left, right, left, the two of you danced along to the soft tune. His soft brown eyes looked straight into yours. You removed one hand from his shoulder and pulled out your camp necklace, where your silver key hung.

"I found your note." You said, even though it was fairly self-explanatory. Leo's eyes widened.


"When I was, you know..."

"I'm sorry, (y/n)," Leo told you. "I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have put that kind of pressure on you when you were in a life or death scenario. I shouldn't have-" You cut him off by placing a finger on his lips.

"Leo, shut up." You said. "I love you too." Your faces were now closer than ever before, your feet still stepping to the beat of a now fading song.

"Well, isn't that lucky," Leo whispered.

And then your lips connected as a kiss under the stars.

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