Chapter 8-Leo's P.O.V

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You hurt her anyway.

The words stung. Leo tried not to blame Percy in his grief, but it was hard. He'd acted like Leo had stabbed (y/n) himself. According to Leo, (y/n) was still out there. She was too stubborn, too clever, too resourceful to die that easily.

Stay strong. She had said. How would you feel if I died, huh? Her voice echoed in Leo's head. Pretty close to how I feel right now. Leo thought.

That night, Leo shoved all his important things into a small bag and slipped out his door, almost running into Annabeth, who was standing right outside of his room.

"Gods, Annabeth!" Leo scream whispered in the middle of the night.

"I thought you would," Annabeth said softly, eyeing the bag on his back.

"Do what?" Leo asked casually. "I, for one, was not expecting a certain daughter of Athena to stand right outside my door!"

"You're going to go look for (y/n), aren't you?"

"And what if I am? You can't stop me."

"I won't try." Leo did a double take.

"Wait, what?"

"I said I won't try to stop you," Annabeth repeated.

"I mean, I'm glad, but...why?" Leo asked.

"I don't think she's gone either, Leo, but Percy...he's not doing well. He keeps swinging from grumbling about you to saying he'll go looking for her to saying that she's gone forever... it just hurts me to see him like this." Annabeth said, her eyes shadowed with sadness.

"I'm sorry, Annabeth," Leo whispered.

"I want what's best for him, I want what's best for (y/n), and Leo, I want what's best for you." Annabeth looked straight into Leo's eyes, making him uncomfortable. The girl had a powerful gaze.

"And Leo, what's best for all of you right now is that you go find her, and bring her back to us." Annabeth finished. "Don't die, Leo." She told him.

"I'll do my best."

"Go bring (y/n) home. Find her for everyone's sanity."

"I will. Bye, Annabeth."

"Goodbye, Leo."

Leo slunk up to the deck and looked out at the ocean before he left. The way the moonlight danced on the waves, he almost thought he could see (y/n)'s face smiling up at him from the water.

Then, before he could get scared, Leo ran off the boat and back to the Parthenon.

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