Chapter 12-Leo's P.O.V

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When the smoke cleared, Leo could clearly see a dazed, exhausted-looking, (h/c), girl.

"Leo?" She mumbled.

"(Y/n)!" Leo exclaimed, rushing towards her. She was a mess of bruises, cuts, scrapes, and confusion.

"It's going to be alright." Leo soothed her, holding her tired face in his hands, ignoring the shouts coming from the monster crowd until one called him by name. (Y/n) passed out.

"Leo Valdez!" A woman called. Her skin was green, with darker green wavy hair that fell just past her shoulders. Her grassy dress flowed around her as her essence disappeared and reformed in front of him.

"Gaea." Leo spat. "Is this all that's left of you?"

"You will pay, and so will the rest of your friends." The goddess snarled.

"The rest of my friends? I'm here alone." Leo told her. Gaea raised a green eyebrow.

"Alone?" Briefly, Gaea's eyes betrayed her panic. That's when Leo realized it.

This was a trap. But it wasn't for him.

Gaea was actually afraid of him.

The monster crowd looked on eagerly. How would their mistress show her strength? How would she kill this intruder?

"Come to get your girl?" Gaea taunted. "I'm surprised she's lived this long. You're too late. She'll die soon from her injuries anyway."

"No." Leo snapped. "She's stronger than you know."

"Poor Leo." Gaea chuckled. "(Y/n) is dying. We all know that. Now, put her out of her misery."

"What?!" Leo exclaimed.

"You heard me. Put her out of her misery. Kill her, Leo. You'll do it accidentally one day, anyway."

"No, I won't, Dirt Face," Leo said adamantly. "She's going to be fine." He insisted, lighting his hand on fire and lobbing a fireball at the goddess.

Gaea stumbled backward, but the ground healed her. She turned into a wisp of green smoke and reformed ten feet to Leo's right.

"Oh, Leo," Gaea scolded. "Are you really going to die for a girl that I'll kill anyway? You have a choice: you kill (y/n), or I do."

"Leo?" (Y/n) grumbled, waking back up. Gaea teleported again, this time closer to (y/n). Vines curled around both (y/n) and Leo's wrists.

(Y/n) began to tap her fingers. Morse code.

Fire on smoke.

"Choose, Valdez." Gaea encouraged. "Kill her, and you will be spared." Leo grinned.

Fire on smoke.

"I'll be spared any which way." When Gaea began to teleport, Leo fired on her green essence. The wisp caught fire easily and drifted to the ground. As it burned to ashes, a scream could be heard from the earth goddess, and the building shook.

For a moment, the crowd was silent with disbelief. Then, with a roar, they came surging downwards. Leo scooped up (y/n).

"Time to go, Bubbles!" He announced. As they fled the arena, Leo threw three jars of Greek fire into the arena. As he rushed up the stairs, a boom signaled the end of Gaea's rein.

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