Chapter 10-Leo's P.O.V

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Four days.

It had been four days since Leo left the Argo III to go looking for (y/n).

At first, he'd thought he'd slowly scale the wall of the cavern she'd fallen through, but it was so difficult to do with moving earth that he'd almost fallen as well. He'd walked up and down the hole, all around it, searched for clues nearby, and had no idea how to find her.

I fear, however, that (y/n) was too big a risk...Gaea had said.

Too big a risk.

That meant that something about using (y/n) had risked Gaea's discovery. Leo just had to find out what.

With renewed vigor, he set off towards the hole again.

This time, he noticed a small crack in the hole leading away. Gaea's form was weaker: she hadn't been physically there, just as a phantom face in the dirt. The pit had been formed by her from far away.

And if Leo's logic was correct, that meant that this crack would lead him right to her.

She had to be somewhere. Without her powerful form, she might send a crack through the earth until she reached her desired place. So if Leo followed the trail backward, he would find Gaea, and hopefully (y/n) as well.

Leo followed the trail around the back of the Parthenon. It went into the steps, and when Leo touched it, it widened to reveal a staircase heading downwards.

It seemed too easy.

No. Leo told himself. It took four days just to find this.

Cautiously, Leo stepped into the tunnel. It closed behind him, so he lit his hand on fire for light. The staircase spiraled downwards with no definite end.

Leo began to run down the stairs.

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