Chapter 9-Your P.O.V

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There was nothing to do. There was nothing. You were nothing.

Gaea kept sending you to the arena to fight monsters, one every while. You didn't really know. Time didn't seem to exist.

Fight. Try to sleep. Fight. Nightmares. 

You had nothing to do. You had no one to talk to. No one to nurse your many injuries.

Fight. Scream. Fight. Pass out.

You were going crazy. You were unstable. You were worried and sick and tired and probably dying.

Fight. Hit the walls. Fight. Eat soup.

Once, you came back from fighting a dracaena, limping from a blow to your leg. Too exhausted to do anything else, you slumped against the wall and fiddled with your dagger.

Then one of the bronze bands on the hilt popped off on one side like a door on a hinge. The dagger clicked and the bottom of it opened up, spilling a little tube into your fingers.

You opened it and a little piece of paper came out, wrapped around a little silver charm shaped like a key. On the paper was a note.

Dear (Y/n),

Congratulations, you finally fiddled with your dagger long enough to find my note. If I've already told you this, then I've improved a lot lately. If not, here goes: (y/n), I'm in love with you.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you in person. When you gave me your dagger and asked me to change its weight and sharpen it, I took my opportunity to do, well, this.

The key is for you, Bubbles. Show it to me, and I'll explain everything, I promise. Let it remind you that you have the key to my heart.

Your one and only,

Leo Valdez

You lost it.

You just sat there, crying, holding Leo's note. Here you were, locked in an earthen prison, knowing that you had left behind someone that loved you the way you loved them.

You took the silver key and strung it onto your empty Camp Half-Blood necklace. You slipped the necklace under your shirt and then the wall opened, more quickly than it had previously.

The earth pushed you forwards when you didn't move. It dropped you in the arena and reformed in the stands again.

Before you stood not one, but two large cyclopses. You held the key to your heart.

"I'm fighting for you, Leo." You whispered.

Then you charged into battle.

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