Chapter 4-Leo's P.O.V

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"We'll land in Greece around noon today. We destroyed the giants at the Parthenon, so we should send a search party to check it out." Annabeth announced.

"How many people?" Jason asked.

"Four?" Suggested Frank.

Annabeth shrugged. "Sounds good. Piper should go, she can charmspeak Gaea to sleep if worst comes to worst."

"Frank should go too," Percy said. "He can fly away to send us a message."

"And Leo," Jason voted. "He destroyed Gaea last time."

"Aw, Jason, you flatter me," Leo said. Jason rolled his eyes.

"What about (y/n)?" Hazel said. "Water might be handy against earth."

"I'll do it." (Y/n) said. Percy glared at her.

Does he know? Does he not trust me? Leo wondered. We've made up, but there's no way he knows that!

"Alright," Annabeth declared. "When we land, Piper, Frank, Leo, and (y/n) will scout out the area. Dismissed."

"(Y/n)?" Leo called as the two of you left the room. "I saw Percy glare at you. What was that about?"

"When you ran off deck yesterday, Percy was coming up at the same time. Didn't you notice?"

"Um, no." Leo said honestly.

"He asked me what happened. I told him, and he got mad at you. I said it was an accident and made him promise not to tell anyone. He got me the bandages."

"Oh." Leo said softly. "So he doesn't like me."

"Not at the moment, no." Leo groaned and facepalmed.

"Hey," (Y/n) said, pulling Leo's hand away from his head. "It's fine. I'll explain it to him. He'll forgive you."

"But you won't tell him...?" Leo left off.

"No." Agreed (y/n), walking away. "Stay strong, Leo."

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