Chapter 19-Your P.O.V

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"We'll land at Camp Half-Blood this evening if we take to the air instead of the water," Annabeth said.

"You weird Poseidon kids might wanna take one last swim," Leo said, grinning.

"Let's go, (y/n)!" Percy said, dragging you to your feet.

"Seriously?" You laughed.

"Why not?" Your brother picked you up. "One...two..."

"Perseus Jackson, I swear if you throw me off this boat-"

"Three!" Percy yelled, throwing you into the water. You summoned a column of water that sucked him right off the deck.

"I warned you!" You told him.

"I wasn't serious, guys!" Leo called from over the rail, laughing.

"Get back up here, Seaweed Brains!" Annabeth yelled. You shot out of the water and landed on the deck, perfectly dry. Leo took your hand.

"I can't believe you!" He said, grinning. You shrugged.

"Blame Percy. He threw me off the boat."

"Don't be so mean to your little sister!" Annabeth exclaimed, lightly hitting Percy on the arm. Leo left and soon the boat rose into the air. You stood at the railing, for a bit, then quickly backed off again, slightly queasy. Hands wrapped around your waist from behind.

"Sorry, Bubbles," Leo said. "It's just faster this way."

"I know." You told him.

That night, just before dinner, it got darker than usual, gray clouds hovering over the Argo III.

"Please tell me those aren't storm spirits." Frank groaned. Jason threw up his hands as lightning flashed across the sky.

"I think they are." He said. "Leo! Get this ship in the water!"

A violent wind suddenly shook the boat and everything pitched starboard. Thunder boomed and storm spirits began to attack the ship. Leo began to land the ship in the ocean, but then the ship pitched forward and he hit his head on the railings, knocking himself out.

"LEO!" You screamed, clinging to the mast to stop yourself from flying forward. The wind was blowing your hair into your face. As you tried to brush it away, a storm spirit attacked you. You drew your dagger and slashed at it, but missed. It knocked you from your hand hold and you skidded across the deck, landing next to the steering mechanisms. You grabbed a lever and shoved it upwards, attempting to right the ship.

The Argo III began to pull up. The ocean was now in view. Ten seconds later, the ship crashed into the water, dousing everything on board. Leo's unconscious body was thrown from the deck.

"NO!" You cried. You slashed the storm spirit that had attacked you to bits, then ran and leaped off the side of the boat.

You quickly found Leo's sinking body underwater. Diving, you managed to grab him. Underwater, he was less heavy, thankfully. You tried to blow a bubble of air for him, but you were so nervous that all you could produce were flimsy little spheres that popped in seconds.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on!" You exclaimed. Finally, you just began to drag Leo's body up and out of the water.

As you broke the surface of the water, you realized that your boyfriend wasn't breathing.

"Leo!" You yelled, slapping his face. "Breathe, breathe, please, Leo..." You didn't have anywhere to lay him for CPR. Shouts still echoed from the ship as it tilted violently. In the distance, you saw your only hope: the shore of Camp Half-Blood.

You called on the waters and used them to push Leo ahead of you. You swam behind your force push, making sure that Leo's head was above water. You ran into a dolphin and asked it to help you, and it thankfully obliged. You laid Leo across its back and used your water push for yourself instead. After several cold, nerve-racking minutes, you broke the barrier of Camp Half-Blood and the rain ceased.

You took Leo's body from the dolphin and thanked it.

"Do you know Percy?" You asked it. "The other kid of Poseidon?" The dolphin chittered affirmatively.

"Tell him that I have Leo and that we made it to Camp Half-Blood. The shore is just a mile away if they can fend off those storm spirits." You ordered. The dolphin made a motion that looked like it was nodding and swam away. You turned your attention to Leo.

First things first, you dried him off. The water had been cold, and you didn't need him getting hypothermia. Then you laid him on the sand and began to try and push the water from his lungs.

"I need an Apollo camper!" You yelled. It was probably dinner time, since you didn't see anyone on the beach or by the cabins, so you weren't sure if anyone heard you.

CPR wasn't working, so you changed tactics.

You laid your hand on Leo's chest and concentrated on the water he had breathed in. You could feel it, and you tried to expel it from his chest.

Leo coughed and blinked open his eyes.

"Leo, thank the gods!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around him. He wrapped his own around you too.

"Thanks, Bubbles." He said hoarsely.

Then you kissed him, which was probably not the best idea for someone who was trying to regain the ability to breathe, but neither of you seemed to care.

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