Chapter 3-Your P.O.V

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You slid into your chair at breakfast the next morning next to Piper.

"Hey." Your friend said softly. "Are you okay? What were you and Leo screaming at each other about yesterday?"

"Oh." You said, pulling your sleeves down even more, making sure they were covering the bandages. "It was nothing."

"Really?" Piper asked, one eyebrow raised. "You both sounded pretty mad."

"Yeah. It's fine." You muttered, absently moving around your cereal. Piper's eyes narrowed.

"(Y/n)," She said. "Will you come talk to me for a minute?"

"Sure." You replied, setting down your spoon and following her out onto the deck.

"Look, (y/n)," Piper told you. "You and Leo obviously had a fight. What was it about?"

"Oh, come on, Piper." You snorted. "We're not in a relationship. We can't have a fight."

"Sure you can. You like him anyway, don't you?" You blushed.

"W-what?" You stammered. "Who said that?"

"The daughter of Aphrodite did. Now," Piper looked at you seriously. "What did you fight about?"

You suddenly felt like you should definitely tell Piper exactly what you had fought about. It was a great idea. Why? No reason. It just was.

You hesitated.

But what about Leo? How would he feel? He was clearly already broken up. If you spilled the beans to Piper, there was hardly a chance at getting him back on his feet, much less back to you.

"I, um, we, er..." You struggled. Piper shook her head in disbelief.

"(Y/n) (l/n), I can not believe you. You're resisting charmspeak to avoid telling me, your best friend, what happened!" Your friend exclaimed in disbelief.

"Fine!" You said. "Leo accidentally burned me. He doesn't want to talk to me anymore." You told her, leaving out the part where you stopped Leo from cutting his artery and bleeding to death.

"Oh, (y/n)." Piper hugged you.

"Ow, the arms." You gasped.

"Sorry," Piper said, looking at your long sleeves. "Why didn't you just tell me earlier?"

"I-I was worried about Leo."

"Worried about me, huh?" Leo snapped behind you.

"Yes!" You said, turning around. Leo scoffed.

"I'll leave you two to this," Piper said, heading back towards the dining hall, giving you an encouraging look.

"Why in Tartarus are you worried about me?"

"Because I walked in on you about to kill yourself!" You exclaimed.

"It would have helped you!"

"No, Leo, it wouldn't have! You know that! You and I are best friends. What would you think if I died, huh? How would you feel if I killed myself because I felt like a burden to you? What would you do, Leo Valdez?"

Leo paused, staring at you for at least a good five seconds.

"I...I would cry. I would tell your body you were wrong. I would scream at Hades to bring you back."

"Now, Leo, what do you think I would do if you killed yourself?" Leo gulped, his eyes filling with tears.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n). I didn't think about that." The boy slumped against the railings looking out at the sea.

"It's alright, Leo."

"I'm sorry I burned you."

"That's not the problem, Leo. The problem is that you shut me out. What you did was an accident, Leo. We all make mistakes. But you know what? I forgive you. And I'm not afraid of you." You said, placing your hand on his. He flinched. "I just want to see the old Leo come back."

Leo grinned. A normal, happy, goofy Leo grin.

"You brought him back, Bubbles. And he won't leave ever again."

"Hey, guys?" Nico coughed awkwardly in the doorway to the dining hall. "We need to make plans for when we dock."

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