Chapter 6-Leo's P.O.V

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"(Y/n)!" Leo cried at the edge of the pit that had swallowed (y/n) up. He whirled on Gaea's face.

"Why don't you just die all the way this time?!" Leo screamed, throwing a hammer from his tool belt, which had zero effect.

Oh, Valdez. This form is weaker, but even you will never find me. I fear, however, that (y/n) was too big a risk...

"LEAVE US ALONE!" Leo shouted, flaming up. The face chuckled and disappeared.

The boy collapsed at the edge of the crevice and began to cry.

"Leo, come on," Piper said gently. "We need to go back."

"No," Leo said. "We need to find (y/n). We need to get a plan-"

"Leo." Piper said, tears in her own eyes. "There's nothing we can do."

"There has to be!" Leo felt bad, yelling at Piper, but he couldn't leave (y/n). "You don't understand!" Piper grabbed his arm.

"I understand enough." The daughter of Aphrodite's eyes bored into his. She knew. Of course she knew. Try and hide it as he might, Piper would find out about his feelings for Poseidon's daughter. Frank shuffled awkwardly.

"Um, Leo, do you have, um, feelings...?" He asked, seemingly unable to string together words in this spot of awkwardness and crisis.

"Yes, of course I have feelings, you idiot!" Leo spat angrily. Frank paled at Leo's words.

"But like, the kind I have for Hazel, for..."

"Yes, okay? Yes, yes I do have feelings for (y/n)!" Leo exclaimed, burying his face in his hands.

"Leo, I know you're upset, we all are, but you need to calm down." Piper told him.

"Calm down?" Leo snapped. "(Y/n) just fell into the death pit of Gaea!"

"Let's just go back to the ship, okay? There's nothing else we can do here." She helped Leo up, and together, they began to stumble back to the Argo III.

The five people left on the Argo III must have seen them coming, because they met them as they approached, Percy at the front. Leo groaned. He was dead.

"Where is (y/n)?!" The son of Poseidon asked, his voice higher than normal.

"I-she..." Leo couldn't do it.

"Gaea opened the ground underneath her. (Y/n) fell in." Piper summarized.

"I tried to save her." Leo stammered. "I really did." Frank put his huge hand on Leo's shoulder in support.

"Tried?" Spat Percy. "Valdez, trying to save my sister doesn't cut it!"

"It was the best I could do!"

"I can't trust you with anything, can I? You fired on the Roman camp, and we all forgave you because of the eidolon. But now, my sister? First you burn her. And she stuck up for you! She told me it was an accident! I tried to forgive you, but I can't! You let Gaea have her! You let her have my baby sister! All you do is hurt her!" Percy yelled, hate practically spitting from his mouth.

"Percy, that's enough!" Annabeth exclaimed, her wide gray eyes looking back and forth between her boyfriend and Leo, both breathing heavily and glaring at each other.

"Leo, did you really burn (y/n)?" Jason asked.

"It was an accident! I care about her, okay? I would never intentionally hurt her!" Leo snapped.

"But you hurt her anyway." Percy fumed, storming away, back to the Argo III.

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