Tough Love

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*Jason's POV*

Problematic. I'm the definition of that word.

Everyone thinks they know who I am. They label me "ruthless", "wild", "dangerous", and many other things. The truth is, I'm more of a danger to myself than anyone else.
*Ava's POV*

A mighty punch hurled me across the room.

Jason was on one of his outrages. Again.

I coughed and tried to get back up, but Jason slammed me into the floor again.

"If you ever touch my gun again," He growled, grabbing me by the shirt. "I'll beat the sh*t out of you."

Like you haven't done that already.

"Please...stop..." I wheezed.

He threw me into the wall.

"I don't know why the hell I ever started dating you, you're a worthless piece of sh*t." He muttered.

I whimpered and stayed on the ground. I knew from experience that getting back up would make Jason angrier, and he'd beat me up again.

Being his girlfriend was torture. He was always rude, and beat me whenever I did something unpleasant to him.

I had tried on several occasions to leave him, and move on to someone more caring, but my attempts only lead him to permanently lock me in the house, and harass me even more.

The worst part of it all was when he told me he loved me. He would apologize, and cry so I would feel sorry for him. We would kiss, and everything would be okay for a little while.

Then Jason would get drunk or high, and his temper would flare to unsafe levels. That was usually when he decided to take his anger out on me.

I used to love Jason. But now, when I think of him, all I can picture is him punching me, or him throwing me across the room.

He had promised to love me forever when we began dating, but after a while, that lovable and kind Jason disappeared. He began to hurt me whenever he felt the need to, and our relationship became a mess.

His abuse was fatal, and he left me with new bruises and scars every week. Jason had even knocked me out cold twice. His mood was always unstable, because even when he was sober, his temper was still unbearable.

I have had enough of this continuous violence, but there was nothing I could do about it.

A hopless situation.

*Jason's POV*

I ran into my bathroom, locking the door. I'm still angry.

Fumbling through the mirrored cupboard on the wall, I grabbed out a razor.

I wanted to end my life. I hated everything about it. I hated the fact that I couldn't keep a proper relationship with Ava, the fact that I was problematic, and the fact that I was the nation's most wanted criminal.

I took the blade and began to tear away at my skin. It hurt, but for once it made me feel something besides anger.

I felt pain, what Ava was feeling because of me. She has no idea that I have issues, and it was better that way.

I try my hardest not to hurt her, but my anger takes control of me and I end up harming her all the same.

I looked at the fresh cuts that I had given myself. The blood from my wounds dripped down my arm.

This had to end.

We couldn't go on with this broken love. I love Ava more than anything else in my life, but the things I do to her a cruel and wrong.

It was time to show her that I really cared.
*Ava's POV*

I laid on the floor for a while, crying and thinking about how much Jason and I used to love each other.

We used to be so perfect together, what happened?

I was there crying for a while, and eventually Jason came back downstairs. I scrambled to my feet and backed away from him.

"It's okay." He whispered, moving towards me. "I'm not going to hurt you."

Do you know how many times you've said that?

Jason pulled me into a deep embrace. "I love you." He whispered. He lifted my chin towards him so I was forced to look into his eyes.

In a split second, he planted his lips on mine. "I'm so sorry." He murmured. "I let my anger control me." "It's okay." I said, and he hugged me more tightly.

I know you'll do it again.

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