Injured Love

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*Ava's POV*

The moment I saw Jason in his hospital bed was the moment that I felt sorry for him.

He looked weak and helpless, especially while he was unconscious.

I approached his bed, and sat there staring at his still body. Jason's complete lack of movement somewhat scared me.

I knew he wasn't dead, but the thought still went through my mind.
His eyes finally sprung open after about thirty minutes.

"A-ava?" He asked.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you after the car crash." I answered.

"You were driving while drunk, what is wrong with you?"

Jason's eyes clouded over, and he tried to grab me but missed.

"Don't lecture me." He growled.

"Especially after what you did. You left me."

"I left you for a reason." I said.

"Jason, you're awful to me. You hurt me, insult me, and you cheated on me. I couldn't stay with someone like that."

"Ava, I love you." Jason murmured.

"Don't say that to me Jason." I managed, starting to sob.

"Because the more you say it, the less true it becomes."

"It's true." He insisted.

"Is it?" I asked.

"Is it true when you kick me, or send me flying across the room? Is it true when you degrade me with your cruel words? Tell me Jason, was it true when you cheated on me? Was it?"

Jason had no answer.

I stood up, ready to leave.

"Don't you dare step out that door." He warned.

"I have to." I explained.

"I can't be with you anymore."

"Give me another chance Ava, please." He begged.

I moved back over to his bed and kissed his lips one last time.

"I've given you enough chances. I'm through with you. Goodbye." I whispered.

I exited the room.

I didn't stop until I was out of the hospital, even when I heard Jason pleading for me to stay.

I'm sorry Jason.


*Jason's POV*

Two days later, I was released from the hospital.

I returned to my house, hopeful that Ava changed her mind and came home.

My hopes were obliterated when I came home to an empty house.

Anger rushed through me.

I couldn't blame anyone but myself for her leaving me, but I didn't care.

I was seeing red.

My feet seemed to have a mind of their own as they lead me through the house.

They brought me to an old baseball bat in my basement.

As soon as I picked it up, my anger was in full control of my body.

The first swing of the bat wrecked the piles of old books, tearing the pages to shreds.

I ran upstairs and into the kitchen, swinging my bat wildly.

I managed to reduce two cabinets to splinters, and break a few cups and plates.

But that wasn't enough.

My rampage brought me to the dining room, where we had china plates and teacups on display.

A single swing of the bat shattered most of the china, and the next swing destroyed the surviving items.

After only an hour, almost everything I owned was in pieces.

Yet my frustration lived on.

I ran into my bathroom and picked up my knife.

Right away, I started tearing my skin, trying get rid of all the anger and hurt that I felt.

But self harm only made it worse.

By now, tears were steadily flowing from my eyes.

I shakily held the knife to my chest. This was it.

My breaking point.

*Ava's POV*

Something told me that I made a huge mistake by deserting Jason, but I tried my hardest not to care.

Jason treated me awfully, he deserved to be left alone.

But I couldn't shake the feeling that I had done something horribly wrong.

Tuning out the thoughts in my head, I went back to watching T.V.

Five minutes into the show, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Ava...I need you here now."

It was Jason on the line.

He sounded desperate and on edge.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I can't live without you Ava, please come back to me!" He sobbed.

"Jason, I al-" I began to explain, but he started talking again.

"I-I need you here. I'm sorry about everything I've done...God, I know you're tired of hearing it...please come home."

"I'm sorry, but that's not my home anymore." I murmured.

"Of course..." He laughed, but I knew it wasn't because he found what I'd said funny.

"I've loved you since I was sixteen Ava." He breathed.

"Hell knows I would've loved you longer if I'd had the chance-"

His voice cracked badly.

"Forget it, I have no use to myself or anyone else on this f*cking planet - I had the chance to love someone. And I messed it up. I messed it up."

I remained silent.

"I wasn't ever ready for love." He continued.

Dead silence reigned for a few seconds before he spoke again.

"Goodbye, Ava. For the last time."

"Jason, wait." I said.

No answer.

"Jason!?" I asked.

He was going to kill himself...because of me.

I had to get back to the house.

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