Betrayed Love

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*Ava's POV*

Instead of going back to Jason's house, I allowed him to stay in my hotel room.

But only for tonight.

"I love you Ava." He whispered into my ear while wrapping his arms around my waist.

I wanted to say it back, but I couldn't, because I wasn't sure if it was true anymore.

I loved Jason.

The Jason that sincerely cared about me and took care of me.

The one that didn't use me as a stress relieving punching bag.

The one that would do anything for me.

The old Jason.

Sometimes it seemed as if that Jason had been replaced by a copy that was abusive, crazy, and highly possessive.

But here I am, letting the copy hug me and confess his love to me.

All while I'm not sure I feel the same way about him.

I gently pulled Jason's arms from my waist and sat on the bed.

Quickly, he joined me.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked in a soft tone.

He leaned in to kiss my cheek, but I moved out of the way.

"We need to talk." I murmured.

He nodded.

"Jason," I began.

"Sometimes I feel like you're not you anymore."

He looked at me.

"What I mean is," I started to clarify,  clearing my throat.

"You're not the same. You used to care about me. Now you just care about being with me."

"Ava, you know that's not tr-" He tried to say, but I interjected.

"Yes it is Jason. You haven't been the same since the first night you came home drunk."

He stopped trying to speak, and let me continue.

"You just changed. You started hanging out with your friends more and more, you came home drunk more never had any time for me."

I was on the verge of tears, and Jason tried to comfort me.

"No, don't." I declined his kindness.
"Just let me finish."

There was a great pause while I composed myself.

"And then..." I spoke up again.

"Came the first night you ever hit me. I was just as shocked then as I was every other time you've done it."

Jason was speechless.

"We can put that behind us baby." He promised, hugging me again.

"I've changed."

I wanted to accept that answer, but I couldn't.

"But what we if can't, and what if you haven't?" I shouted, pushing him off of me.

I stood and stared at him, awaiting a reasonable answer.

"We can, and I have." He growled.

His fist clenched, and he stood up too.

I backed away from him, fearing that he would hit me.

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