Split Love

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*Jason's POV*

Blood was everywhere. It coated the sink in it's deep crimson shade, and slowly trickled down to the floor.

I was cutting myself again. I should be out looking for my girlfriend, but instead, here I am hurting myself and wallowing in self-pity.

I made another deep cut in my skin before laying the knife on the counter.

Not even bothering to clean the gorey stains from my bathroom, I ran downstairs and flung open the fridge.

Grabbing all the beer I could find, I sprawled onto my couch and flipped on the T.V.

I drank a bottle of beer, chugging it down my throat. Maybe I thought that I could drown out all my fears and my pain if I drank. Every sip of the liquor I took burned more, but I kept drinking.

After drinking five bottles of the harsh liquid, I pulled a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter from my pocket. I lit a cigarette and began to smoke it, inhaling the fumes and letting them puff back out.

Why would I have to worry about Ava? She'll come back, I'm sure of it.

But hours passed, and Ava hadn't returned.

I stood and tried to walk upstairs for my medication. But I was so out of it that my walk was a shaky stumble.

Eventually, I reached my bathroom again, where I opened the mirrored cabinet and grabbed a bottle of my ADHD pills.

Simply not caring anymore, I poured the pills into my mouth and swallowed them. The bottle was completely empty before I put it back in the cabinet.

My gaze fell on the clock as I staggered back downstairs.

It was nearly 1 AM, and Ava was still gone. I had to find her.

Even though I could barely make it out my front door without tripping, I climbed into my car.

Lighting a cigarette, I started the ignition.

I went full speed ahead and entered the road.

I will find her.
Thirty minutes later, I was on the highway with no sense of where I was going.

My eyelids started to droop, and I became exhausted.

The pills. They were causing me to become sleepy.

I knew I should've headed back home or at least pull over, but my desperate search for Ava kept me too persistent to stop.

I slammed down on the gas, and the car sped forward.

My exhaustion completely kicked in, and I momentarily blacked out.

All too soon, my hand accidentally hit the steering wheel, which swerved out of place.

My eyes widened as I saw the van heading in my direction.

*Ava's POV*

When I reached a far enough distance from the house, I booked a stay in a small hotel.

It wasn't perfect, but it was enough until I could find an apartment for me to live in.

I sipped a mug of hot chocolate, comfortable and relaxed before bed.
"I can watch some T.V. before I sleep." I thought.

I turned on the T.V. and flipped through channels, finally deciding to watch the news.

"People have been reporting that a car accident took place tonight." The reporter spoke.

"That's too bad." I thought.

"Wonder who it could be."

My heart almost stopped when I saw a picture of Jason and his car flash on the screen.

A short video of him on a stretcher was played.

"Nineteen year old Jason McCann was involved in the accident, and it has been confirmed that he was intoxicated while driving."

I switched the T.V. off. I couldn't bear to hear anymore.

Jason had to be in the hospital, and although I dreaded the thought of visiting him, I knew I had to.

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