Broken Love

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*Ava's POV*

Jason walked from his bathroom, his towel hung low around his waist. I couldn't help but bite my lip as he entered his room. "Have anything you'd like to say to me?" He inquired, smirking.

No, I don't.

I refused to talk to Jason after what he did last night. I stood up and closed my room door. Footsteps approached it. "Oh, c'mon Ava, what's your deal?" He questioned.

"My deal?" I yelled. "You cheated on me!" He had no answer. "I'm sorry." He finally spoke after a few moments. "You know what Jason?" I yelled, unlocking my door and slamming it open.

"I'm fed up with you and your pathetic "sorry"s  all the time! All you ever do is apologize, and you never do anything to fix the issue! That's it! We're over!"

I immediately shut my mouth when I saw Jason's face darken. "I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean i-" I stuttered, preparing for his fist to collide with my face.

"Come with me." He demanded and snatched my wrist.

He lead me to his bathroom and opened the mirrored cabinet. Rows of assorted pills and medication were there, and some of the bottles were overturned, their contents spilled over.

"Jason wh-" I began to asked, becoming worried.

"You see these pills?" He asked.

"I take those."

Before I could say anything else, he pulled a knife from the cabinet, and I noticed the scars on his arms. How did I not see them before?

"Jason, please don't hurt yourself anymore." I pleaded.

He sliced a part of his skin, completely ignoring my request. "Stop!" I shouted and grabbed the knife from him.

"I have no meaning in my life." He spoke blankly. "I should end it all."

"Think about what you're doing Jason." I warned him.

He pressed my hand to his chest. It was the hand with the knife.

"What are you doing? Stop!" I sobbed.

"No." He refused. "I'm the enemy, right? Stab me. Take my life."

"I would never do that." I cried.

He pressed the tip closer to his chest, and it started to pierce through.

"Let me go!" I screamed and with all my strength, I pulled the knife from his chest, and it clattered to the ground.

Jason's life was just in my hands. Literally.

Why didn't I just kill him? He wanted to die, and I had every reason to rid him of his life. He treated me badly, and his love for me was highly conditional.

I figured it out. A part of me still cared about him.

I stared at Jason, scared and unsure of his next move.

He laughed. There was nothing funny about what just happened. But he kept laughing until he was doubled over on the floor.

His laughs soon turned to sobs, and I crouched down next to him.

"I don't know what's wrong with me..." He whispered.

I couldn't saying anything to him. What would I have said?

"Ava, I have to tell you something." He murmured.

"What is it?" I asked unsurely, afraid of what he might say.

"I have ADHD." He said.

Pure shock pulsed through my body. It was icy and stiffening.

That definitely explained a lot.

But how, for the three years that Jason and I were dating, had he kept that a secret from me?

"I don't know what to do with myself." He admitted.

"I'm restless, troublesome...I have issues."

He turned to me.

"If you want to leave me right now, I'll let you." He said, tears glistening in his eyes.

"I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave."

I paused. Jason was giving me an opportunity to leave him, forever.

Should I take this chance?

A huge part of me wanted to let him suffer on his own, but that part was overtaken by the love I still had for him.

"I won't leave you." I whispered.

Jason glanced at me.

"I'll help you through this, whatever it takes." I continued.

"Just promise me you'll remember that you aren't alone."

A tear slipped from Jason's eye. I pressed my lips onto his.

"Don't think you have to struggle alone."

"We're in this together."

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