Complicated Love

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*Ava's POV*

For once, Jason let me sleep in the same bed as him, and not on the couch. Usually he would ban me from his room completely, saying it belonged to him since he bought the house. But he was all over me tonight.

"You can have me tonight Ava." He whispered into my ear.

The truth was, I would've loved to give myself to Jason for a night. But I couldn't. I was too afraid that the moment I did, he would change back to the dangerous Jason, the one that didn't care about my well-being.

"I-I don't know if I should..." I murmured.

I started to leave the bed, but Jason sat up and grabbed my wrist.

"Please?" He rasped.

I glanced into his eyes. They were normally caramel hazel, but when Jason became angry, they darkened. Meaning I didn't see their true color too often.

Right now his eyes were full of expression, and I could see that he meant no harm.

"Okay." I said, and got back into the bed.

As soon as I did, Jason kissed me and played with my hair. Receiving this sort of affection from him was strange and rare. But I enjoyed every moment of it.

If he kissed me, I kissed him back with as much passion as I could. He lifted my hand, and pressed it to his chest.

"Do you feel that?" He whispered.

"Yes." I murmured, feeling his steady heartbeat.

"It's beating for you. That's what you do to me girl." He smirked, and kissed me again.

"You don't know how much I love you." He mumbled.

It was a shame that this sudden love wouldn't last.
Early the next morning, I woke up alone. Rubbing my eyes, I got out of bed and found Jason in the kitchen. He was making a hearty breakfast of pancakes and bacon.

"Good morning princess." He greeted me.

"Princess?" I pondered. I was usually lucky if Jason gave me a simple "hello" in the morning.

What was with his new and upstanding mood? Would it last?

Jason approached me and escorted me to the table. I could definitely get used to his new mannerism.

"Breakfast is served." He smiled and set down my plate of food in front of me.

"It's nice to see that you're cooking for once." I commented, grateful for his helpfulness. "I normally have to do everything."

Jason's face darkened.

"What?" He asked.

"I just meant that-" I muttered.

"Get out of the chair." He demanded, dragging me to my feet.

"You see this?" He questioned while picking up my plate of food. "You don't deserve this."

He hurled the plate at the wall, and it shattered. "That was a waste of good food!" I complained. He slapped me roughly.

"I don't care!" He stated. How did the smallest things set him off?

He punched me in the stomach, and I fell to the floor. "Don't ever speak to me like that again!" He shouted. He kicked me in the head a couple of times.

I stayed, curled into a ball until I heard the front door slam. He was gone. I sat up, and a warm liquid trailed from my nose. Blood.
Later that evening, I wondered if Jason would ever come back home. He was gone for a while, so I spent my entire day alone. And considering that he had beat me up again earlier, I appreciated that.

I flipped through channels on T.V. in my bedroom, a drab and boring room with almost no furniture and a small cot. The front door opened, and Jason entered the house.

But he wasn't alone. I couldn't see him, but I heard him and I heard a female's voice too. I could just make out what they were saying.

"I had fun tonight." The female spoke.

"Really? Me too." Jason replied.

Silence built between them, and I could almost feel the tension that they were feeling. Then I heard the sounds of them kissing.

I felt like someone had just taken the air from my lungs. Jason had stolen my heart and ran with it...then burned it in a fire. He was cheating on me.

Their footsteps came closer to me and I pretended to be watching T.V. again. They were giggling and silencing each other. Jason's room was right across the hall from mine, and he entered it with the female and locked the door. All without even glancing in the direction of my room.

For the next three hours, I heard moaning coming from his room, and I knew exactly what he was doing.

I have never felt more betrayed than now.

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