Frightened Love

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*Ava's POV*

Panic started to take over my mind and I couldn't think straight.

Jason was unconscious with an extremely high fever, and if he didn't get immediate medical attention, he would overheat and die.

I wouldn't let that happen.

I snatched my cell phone from my pocket and called the ambulance.

They were now on their way.

I put my hand back on Jason's forehead, and was mortified to find out that his temperature had increased to an even more unsafe level.

His eyes slowly opened, and he glanced around.

"What happened?" He queried.

He tried to stand up, but I didn't let him.

"Stay calm Jason, I called the ambulance because you passed out  and wouldn't wake up." I explained.

He smiled warmly at me and kissed me affectionately.

"This is why I love you." He whispered.

Before I could respond, he gasped sharply and went unconscious again.

His eyes rolled back, so that only the whites were visible.

The ambulance was outside, and medics were gathered at the front door.

I ran to it and opened it, urgently rushing them inside.

They checked Jason's pulse and his breathing.

Not long after the examination, he was on a stretcher and being rushed into the ambulance.

I paced around the house nervously. What would happen to Jason? This was his third time being hospitalized in a month!

What if he didn't survive this time?
"It was a drug overdose."

The doctor told me what was wrong with Jason in the hallway outside his room.

"At some point, Jason must have taken a high level of prescription drugs. His body should've reacted to them sooner, but for some reason, any sort of reaction was delayed. Jason may have survived the overdose before, but we're not so sure he will now."

Time almost stopped after I heard those words.

Those chilling and scary words.

"...we're not so sure he will now."

Why would you do this to yourself Jason?

I didn't know when Jason would've overdosed on his medication, but he did it, and now there was a huge risk of me losing him permanently.

Just a few days ago, I never thought I'd care about Jason ever again.

Let alone worry about his death.

But now, I was more worried and afraid for him than ever.

I promised Jason that I would help him with his problems.

Instead, I made them worse by leaving him on his own.

He almost died for me twice.

And if he died now, it would be because of me.

"Excuse me Ms.Ava, you can go in to see Jason now. He's been requesting your visit for quite a while." A nurse said to me.

"Alright, thank you." I responded, nodding.

Carefully approaching the room door, I took a deep breath before entering.

Jason was lying in the hospital bed, barely conscious.

But I could see his eyes brighten when he saw me.

"Ava." He managed to say, his voice tired and achy.

"A drug overdose Jason?" I questioned, my voice audibly breaking.

This man found so many ways to break my heart...

"I can explain." He rasped.

"It was before I crashed my car. I was worried sick about you, but instead of looking for you right away, I became heaved into self pity. I drank, I smoked, I cut myself...all because of you. Then I got the dumb idea to take all that medication...and I did it."

I simply looked at him, clueless as to what I should say.

Because of me?

"What I did was selfish and wrong. I'm sorry, even though that may be the last time you hear me say it." He chuckled.

How could he laugh at something so serious?

"Don't say that Jase." I begged, calling him by his nickname.

It felt foreign to my tongue, since I hadn't spoken it in years.

"You don't know how much I care about you. You don't have to apologize to me- not here and not now. Please."

Jason was quiet.

"I never stopped caring about you." I continued.

"I've loved you for every second since I met you, and that will never change. Even when you hurt me, I loved you. Because behind those cold eyes that would stare at me as you harshly beat me, I saw the old Jason. The one that I will never let go of."

With clear effort, Jason grabbed me towards him and kissed me.

That moment was perfect.

It seemed as if everything was how it should be again.

I separated from him, and his face appeared to be more pigmented than before.

His sickly pale skin was slowly becoming it's usual shade again, and Jason in general looked healthier.

It was like my kiss had healed him.

He pulled my hand to his chest, right over his thumping heart.

And he whispered five lovely words to me.

"It's beating for you, Ava."

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