Torn Love

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*Jason's POV*

A truck was heading straight for Ava.

Without pausing to think, I ran into the street and shoved her out of the way.

I wasn't able to make it to the other sidewalk in time.

Fortunately, the truck went right over my body.

Hardly daring to breathe, I stood and tried to walk to Ava.

She was beyond shocked, covering her mouth with her hands.

Stupidly, I stopped and stared at her in the middle of the street.

"Jason, watch out!" She screamed.

I spun around right as a car slammed into me.

I was hurled a good ten feet into the air, and fell to the ground rather painfully.

Searing pain surged through my entire body, and all I remember was Ava shouting my name.
I woke up in the hospital for the second time this month, and Ava was sitting next to me, firmly gripping my hand and crying.

"You're alive..." She sobbed.

She threw her arms around me.

I smirked, wincing at the gigantic headache I now had.

"Do you really think I'd die on you babe?" I rasped weakly.

She smiled through her tears, shaking her head.

"I'm so, so, so sorry Jason..." She murmured.

"I shouldn't have run away from you like that...What was I thinking?"

"Don't blame this on yourself." I said.

"I made the decision to jump into the street to protect you. This is all my fault."

"You're the one injured. You can't blame yourself." She replied, starting to sniffle.

I placed my hand on her cheek and smiled.

"It's okay Ava. I'll survive this." I whispered.

"No Jason." She answered.

"We'll survive this."
About a week later, I left the hospital happily with Ava.

"Are you alright Jason?" She asked for the hundredth time today.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I laughed.

"You've asked me that question so many times."

"I know, and I'm sorry, but I just can't forget what the doctor said." She admitted.

The doctor had informed us that I might expirience slight migraines.

He told us that they might not go away for a while because of how hard my body hit the ground in the accident.

But for now, I was fine.

"You don't have to worry about me Ava, I'll be okay." I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

She grinned with relief and we strolled to my car arm in arm.

Despite the whole accident that happened, it felt wonderful to have Ava back.

*Ava's POV*

Once we left the hospital, I headed back to the hotel to check out of it.

I know I swore to myself that I would never go back to Jason again, but I felt more than obligated to.

I was still sure that the whole incident was my fault, and that Jason was hurt because of me.

So the right thing for me to do was go with him and make sure that he made a full recovery.

And maybe work some other issues out...
I never told Jason this, but I still love him just as much as he loves me.

I had just felt that it was better not to tell him because of how broken and empty he left me.

And what Jason also didn't know was that no matter how many times he made a mistake that ended badly for me, I would still go back to him.

He would never fully lose me, because I wanted him to change.

It may sound crazy, but even when Jason started beating me, I never stopped loving him.

I just loved him less.

Way less.

Once we pulled up in Jason's driveway, my heart pounded.

What awaited beyond his front door?

The cruel personality that Jason had displayed for years on end?

Or the old Jason that I'd originally loved?

We left the car in silence and entered the house.

It was still a wreck.

"You never told me how everything got destroyed." I mumbled.

"It's...a long story..." Jason uttered, staring at the ground.

We both trekked up the stairs, our footsteps making contact with the ground in unison.

We reached the top of the stairs at the same time.

Turning to face each other, we made eye contact and smiled.

Without an exchange of words Jason leaned forwards to kiss me.

He had no idea how much I wanted that kiss.

But moments before his lips hit mine, he groaned.

I opened my eyes to find that Jason's skin completely drained of color.

"I need to sit down." He moaned, gripping his head with one hand.

The migraines were starting.

He started to walk away, but sank to the ground after less than a second.

I went over to him.

He was out cold.

I shook him, yelling his name.

"Jason?" I asked.

No response.

I placed my hand on his forehead, and yanked it back.

His skin was deathly hot and dripping with sweat.

I shook him harder, and came to a shocking conclusion.

He wouldn't wake up.

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