Abused Love

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*Ava's POV*

After the emotional turn of events yesterday, I expected Jason to have changed or at least be trying to improve.

Of course, I was brutally wrong.

Jason was taking a nap on the couch after breakfast, so I decided to wake him up for lunch.

"Jason, wake up." I whispered.

I shook him gently after not getting a response. His eyes fluttered open.

"Lunch is ready." I smiled.

"What is your problem?" He complained.

"I was just waking you up for food." I explained.

"Well maybe next time you shouldn't wake me up!"

"I'm sorry, I thought you might be hungry. And besides, you can't just sleep all day." I muttered.

"Excuse me?" He asked, grabbing me by the throat.

"I-I just m-meant-"

"I'll do what I want." He said.

"I'm the one who has to work my ass off for money, and now you want to tell me I can't get some rest?"

"That's not what I-" I tried to correct him.

"I don't want to hear it." He interjected and closed his hand around my throat.

"You're garbage, nothing but a waste of time, you know that? You have no use to me."

I choked. Jason's tight grasp around my neck was cutting off my air supply.

"Let me go..." I strained.


He released his grip, letting me fall to the ground. He kicked me in the legs a couple times before he seemed satisfied and left me alone.
"What a b*tch." He mumbled to himself, and spat on me.

That was the last straw.
I zipped my suitcase up, ready to leave.

I refused to spend anymore time in this house with Jason.

I didn't know where I'd go, but I definitely wouldn't stay here. As soon as he went into his bedroom after giving me that last beatdown, I snuck into his office and looked for anything valuable.

My search was almost a failure until I came upon his wallet, which he must've accidentally left in there. It was loaded, with over eight thousand dollars in cash.

A part of me dared to say I was just borrowing the money, although I knew I would never pay him back.

Even if Jason was horrible to me, I didn't want to steal from him. But I was forced to since I didn't have a job, because he would never let me leave the house.

The next thing I did was throw all of my clothes and belongings into a big black suitcase, which I also "borrowed" from Jason.

Now to find my way out of the house. It should've been simple, but it wasn't, because Jason didn't only deny me from leaving. He barricaded doors and windows, stopping me from escaping. And if he ever caught me trying to leave, he would hurt me.

I went to my room and looked at my windows, boarded up by planks of wood. After retrieving a hammer, I began yanking the nails from the wooden planks one by one, until the boards fell from the window.

With all my strength, I pulled the window upwards. It was a slightly difficult task, as the window had been unused for a couple years. But eventually, the window opened, and I was able to shove my suitcase from the crack.

I took one last look at my room and decided that I wouldn't miss it. Or the rest of this house, for that matter. "Goodbye Jason." I thought and leapt out the window.

I reached the ground and double checked my suitcase.

As soon as I was sure that I had everything I might need, I left. I didn't even leave a note or anything that would inform him that I was safe. It was better if Jason couldn't find me.

Clearly I wasn't wanted or needed in this house.
Hours after my departure from the house, I was lost.

There was no way for me to tell how far I had traveled, but I was at the side of a highway now, just me and my suitcase.

Icy and controlling fear kept me afraid and on edge that if I stopped for even a second, Jason would find me.

Another hour passed before I came to a city. I strolled down different streets and sidewalks for a while before I found a gas station.

I bought some chips and a bottle of water with my "borrowed" money, and found an alleyway not too far from station. It wasn't the best place ever, but it would have to do.

I could've stayed in a hotel, but they were all too close to the house, and Jason would easily find me at one of them.

I settled down in the cold and dark place, sleepy from the long day of travel. I made myself comfortable against the brick wall on the right, and soon fell asleep.

I would never let Jason find me.

*Jason's POV*

"Ava!" I shouted, opening the bathroom door. Empty again.

After my little outburst earlier, I rushed into my room to calm down. When I did calm down, I decided that apologizing to Ava yet again wouldn't do much for me, but it would show that I wasn't completely heartless.

"Ava where are you?" I yelled.

Soon I had searched the entire house, but she was nowhere to be found. Actually, there was one place I still hadn't checked.

Her bedroom.

I ran to her bedroom door, and tried the handle. Locked. Of course it was.

"Ava please, open the door!" I begged.

No reply was given.

I kicked the door repeatedly until it burst open. Scanning her room, I quickly found that it was also empty. Then my eyes landed on it.

Her window.

It was open, and a hammer laid on the ground next to the wooden planks and nails I had used to board it up.

Anger flooded through me when it finally sunk in that she was gone. She had escaped. From me.

"It doesn't matter." I smirked to myself.

"No matter what you try Ava, you can't leave me."

Because even if you escape, I will find you.

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