Angle-Dean Winchester x Reader

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Angel - Dean Winchester x Reader

"So get this-" Sam started speaking and you looked up from your book to him "-People have started dying under mysterious circumstances in a small town next to... Seattle" he said, narrowing his eyes as he looked at the screen of his computer.

"Yeah and?" Dean raised an eyebrow, expecting more than just that from his brother.

You dared glance at Dean as he spoke and of course he caught your eyes on him. He turned his head to look at you and winked with a smirk. You stifled a giggle while putting a hand in front of your mouth. You tried looking back at Sam but you couldn't avert your eyes from the older Winchester. You never could.

No matter how many times before you had tried to do so you always found yourself captivated by him. His forest green eyes always managed to make your heart flutter and that smile of his made the butterflies dance like crazy in your stomach. You could not deny how you felt about him, not after five years of being hunting buds with him and Sam. You were in love with the green-eyed hunter and although that was a luxury no hunter could afford in their lives you could not ignore it either. The man himself was amazing. Sure, he had his flaws but who didn't? Aside from being a stubborn ass and a total jerk he was... Dean. Selfless, kind and always willing to help. Not to mention how good looking he was. Nobody could ever deny that, just like you could not.

You've had a crush on him ever since you met him and you soon caught yourself falling harder for him. Your feelings developed over the time, especially when you got to see his softer side. the side of himself that he never showed to the others.

And soon you were unable to hide how you felt about him. He did flirt with you in the beginning, a lot, but then he, even, started acting differently. His hand lingering over you whenever he touched you. His hugs lasted a little longer than needed, especially when he had to save you from some hunt. His eyes would linger on your form longer than they should and you had caught him more than plenty of times looking at you when he thought that you didn't notice him. His smiles towards you became more soft and warm than flirtatious like they used to be. And, then, there was that small glimmer in his eyes whenever he looked at you that you had never seen before.

Needless to say one night, and after lots of drinks, with just you and him at the motel (Sam was in the library at that time) he confessed everything. It was impossible for you to believe it yet... you did. He looked so sincere that it was hard not to believe him. So you confessed to him that you felt the same way. Obviously it was just as hard for him to believe it but he was more than happy to know that you reciprocated his feelings. You formed a relationship just at that time and were happy with each other.

You didn't say anything though, not to Sam or Cas or anyone else for that matter. You wanted to have the right opportunity to tell them, anyway. Sam was Dean's brother and Castiel was like a brother to you as well. He always took good care of you. So both you and Dean wanted to wait for the right time to come. Keeping it a secret was fun anyway, and sneaking around to see each other was hell of a lot more.

You bit your lip to keep yourself from laughing - or attacking Dean with kisses - as he kept making suggestive faces that Sam, luckily, took no notice of. You kicked him under the table and saw a huge grin spread on his lips. A satisfied one at that. He bit his lip and winked at you and you internally groaned.

Why did you even fall in love with this jerk in the first place you had no idea now.

Or, well, maybe you did but who cared.

Your head snapped to Sam's direction when he spoke up "Well there is no connection to the victims. No apparent one, anyway. They all have different backgrounds, completely different personalities and there is no obvious pattern in their deaths" he said and you frowned deeply.

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