Dean X Reader - Stranded On An Island (Request)

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Reader's POV

     “Why did you have to open your big mouth? Why do you always have to have the last word?” You yell at the older Winchester as you walk toward the beach. “Do you think I knew he was gonna send us here? Huh?!” He yells as he follows closely behind you. Shaking your head in annoyance you look around and sighing say, “Well what are we gonna do now? It seems that your big mouth has gotten us into trouble yet again.” Clenching his jaw he walks past you and onto the beach.

    You had never really liked the fact of being alone with Dean, at least not after you had discovered you had feelings for him. You watch as he paces back and forth along the seashore and smile to yourself. Dean always did look cute when he was thinking. As you look over at him your mind goes back to how the two of you had ended up on this deserted island in the middle of nowhere with no plans for escaping.

~Few hours earlier~

                “When’s Sam gonna get back? I’m starving!” You say lying on your back and looking up at the ceiling of the hotel room. “You complaining about it isn’t gonna make him go any faster ya know?” Dean says from the table across the room where he is cleaning his guns. The smell of the cleaners making you lightheaded and sick to your stomach; you turn your head toward him as you say, “Couldn’t you have done that somewhere else?” He rolls his eyes as he says, “You knew I was gonna do this so why didn’t you go with Sammy?” You quickly look away and say low enough where he couldn’t hear you, “Maybe I wanted to spend some time alone with you.” Letting out a sigh you roll over onto your side and end up rolling into Gabriel’s open arms.

“Ow ________, why’d you hit me?” Gabriel yells out as you instinctively punch him in the chest and shove him off the bed. “Jesus Christ Gabe, why do you always show up in awkward places?” You say as you jump to your feet and walk over to the other side of the room where Dean was sitting his gun reassembled and ready in his hand. “What’s the matter you don’t like it?” Folding your arms over your chest you say, “No, how many times do I have to tell you?” Dean scoffs as he starts to diligently start cleaning another gun. “Ouch _______, that hurts; and all this time you’ve been my favorite.” You roll your eyes but a smile covers your lips making Dean’s jaw clench. “So what are you two doing here all alone? I didn’t interrupt something interesting did I?” Gabriel says his eyes darting back and forth between you and Dean. “Shut up Gabriel.” Dean says a little more hateful then he meant too. Gabriel’s eyes narrow at the hunter as he says, “You’re lucky I like Sam and _______, cause if not I would gladly enjoy sending you back to hell.” “Excuse me?” Dean says as he stands his whole body trembling with anger.

                You look back and forth between the two of them before you step in front of Dean and placing a hand on his chest gently push him back and say, “Calm down Dean,” His Emerald eyes find your (E/C) ones before he clenches his jaw and turns away from both of you. You stand there for a moment with your hand still hanging in mid air, eyes staring at him in a look of admiration. “Oh I see how it is, Why don’t the two of you spend some alone time together?” Gabriel says and right as you turn toward him see him reach his fingers up. “No Gabe!” you cry out but it was too late, snapping his fingers you and Dean had ended up stranded on some deserted island, with not even a chance of rescue. “Dammit Gabriel!” Dean yells out into the sky and you sigh in annoyance, typical Gabriel move.


                “You do realize that pacing back and forth isn’t gonna make us instantly reappear back in the motel room right?” You say trying to lighten the mood but Dean just turns to you, eyes wild with anger. “Geez I was just trying to make a joke!” You say as you start to walk the opposite direction down the beach as far away from the brooding Dean Winchester as possible. When you are far enough away from him you let out a groan of annoyance and say, “God he is such an asshole!” “You do know he likes you right?” You hear Gabriel’s voice say and rolling your eyes turn toward where the voice had come from to see him sitting a few feet away on a rock smiling smugly. “You do realize you might have gone too far this time right?” He shrugs as he says, “Oh well there’s nothing he can do about it. Come sit beside me,” You chuckle as you walk over and sit down beside your friend. “Can he see you?” You say as you look back to the other side of the beach where Dean stood rubbing his forehead. “Nope only you can, and don’t worry this isn’t permanent. Sam got a little upset that I sent the two of you off to a deserted Island so you have about twenty-four hours before I cave in and bring him here to get you two.” You raise an eyebrow as you say, “What do you mean I have twenty-four hours?” Gabriel rolls his eyes as he says, “Come on I know you like him so now’s your chance to tell him, so go on get to it!” He says as he disappears.

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