Protect You: (Protective!Dean x Reader)

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The bar was noisy and crowded, but Dean had been able to keep a tight arm wrapped around your waist which you appreciated greatly because of the looks some of the other patrons were giving you. Hunter or not big, burly, drunk men scared you more than some of the monsters you faced day to day.

“We gonna head back soon?” you asked Dean after noticing how late it had gotten.

He looked at the clock and nodded, “Yeah, let me use the restroom and we’ll head out. I’ll be right back,” he said giving you a gentle, reassuring squeeze before he hopped off the stool and headed to the back of the bar.

You sat alone nervously and hoped he would be back as soon as he said he would be because on the other end of the counter you noticed one of the guys who had whistled at you earlier watch Dean leave and smile. You wrapped your hand around the small hunting knife that was strapped to your thigh holster hidden by your jacket and watched the man stumble over in your direction.

“Hey sweet cheeks, why don’t you come with me and ditch pretty boy,” he slurred. The alcohol on his breath was nauseating and you backed away from him.

“Leave me alone,” you said low and tried to sound threatening.

He reached for you but you ducked away, “Well at least let me buy you a drink,” he said irritation that you weren’t accepting his offer slowly working its way on to his face.

You put a hand on your hip and turned to walk away, “I said no, asshole. I’m taken”. Your eyes darted to the bathroom door hoping to see Dean but he still hadn’t showed and your grip on the knife handle tightened. He gripped your elbow and pulled you back roughly making you lose your balance and fall against his chest.

“Well see about that,” he smirked and started to pull you towards the door. Panic set in when you realized that you had dropped your knife and had no way to break free of his grip.

“Dean!” you shouted praying that he had come out of the bathroom and might hear you.

“Your pretty boy can’t hear you anymore, sweetie.”

You were about to give up when you caught sight of Dean and he looked pissed off and stormed over in your direction.

“She said no,” Dean growled and you saw him reaching behind his back where he kept his gun. You shook your head wildly; if he shot the guy it would cause all kinds of trouble.

“Oh yeah, what’re you going to do about it, shrimp?” he slurred and made a jab at Dean.

With one arm free you smirked and elbowed the man in the gut, “This,” you said breaking free of his grip and ran to Dean who looked you over for injuries.

“You okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine,” you reassured him.

The drunk stood up straight and balled his fists; “You bitch!” he yelled and threw a punch at your open face. You tried to block it but Dean got to it first after quickly pushing you behind him. Then he punched the guy in the nose and blood spattered with the impact. The guy bent over holding his nose but stood up for a second and punch Dean in the gut, hard. He stumbled back and you caught him before he fell over. Before you could even ask if he was okay he launched himself at the guy who was smiling with bloody teeth and landed a solid uppercut to his jaw and shoved him against the wall with his arm over his throat.

“Touch her again, and I won’t be so kind,” he spat and released his grip and let the man fall to the floor. You stood there slightly in shock but snapped out of it quickly when Dean’s stance faltered and he had to prop himself on the counter. The rest of the bar had gone silent at the display but the chattering began again soon after.

“Dean, are you okay?” you asked worried and cupped his face in your hands.

“I’m fine; guy’s just got a good jab. More importantly are you okay?” he asked worry lacing his voice as his eyes met yours. You stroked the side of his head and helped him stand up.

“I’m fine, thanks to you my hunter in shining armor,” you smiled up at him just to solidify to him that you were okay. You grabbed your knife that had fallen and holstered it before finally making it out to the Impala.

“Good,” he nodded and wrapped you in his arms protectively against the side of the car and kissed you soundly, “Because unlike that asshole back there I’m the only one who should be able to hold you like this”.

“Damn right,” you muttered against his lips and he smiled a bit as he tightened his strong arms around you a little bit more.

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